Mess for Cherryred

Mess for Cherryred

Mess for Cherryred Hi Cherry

Where do you work? I am with Haringey PCT. Due to go back to work on Monday. I am feeling a bit nervous but sure it will be fine once I have done that first New Birth and CHC.

Really interested to see that you are at the RMH. Also about the scans and their view. I have been offered the choice to be re scanned again in June/July but completely agree with the view that the wait for results
is like living a nightmare.

So were you scanned at all? And being nosey how many lymph nodes did you have involved?

Also have you been impressed with the Marsden? I am being treated at the Whittington in North London. So far it has been great and I feel very well looked after. But always good to know about other places.

Love Geraldine45

Hi geraldine I work for the newly "redesigned "(the latest buzz word I fear)-west sussex pct. deprived area , lots of child protection etc. I was very emotionally vunerable when I went back to work. I suffered more than i ought through a less than sympathetic manager ,who treated me as though I had been off having my toenails cut and was all better now,at the same time as presenting me (within my first hour back) -with 2 new families on the register who needed sorting out. My husband sorted HER out the next day as I went home and wept buckets that evening. Another colleague (also within the first couple of hours felt the need to tell me who had died of cancer while I had been away. I hope your return is much smoother & sympathetic!

The marsden have been great as you would expect but tend to dot the I’s and cross the T’s, which can be nerve racking. just before treatment started they packed me off for a liver scan because my LFT’s were abnormal -I knew this wasn’t routine and they asked me to come in at 8:30 on a monday morning because I couldn’t go on “the trial” if I didn’t fit protocol. This was another part of the drip drip of apalling news. I started with a 2cm, grade 2-which at surgery 2 weeks later had grown and upgraded to 3cm, grade 3, 2/8 nodes pos.
I think having a nursing background is sometimes not helpful (ignorance is bliss and all that!).I positively avoid investigations if I can -don’t cope well with the anxiety of waiting for results.
Are you through treatment yourself now?

Hi Cherryred

Sounds like you have a great manager/work colleagues, I don’t think.
Are you full time? How long had you been off for?
I am sure once I get back into the swing it will be fine. The Marsden sounds great, just as you would expect. Are you on hormone therapy or Heceptin. I have just done my 6th Heceptin afyer finishing chemo and rads.

Hi Geraldine I’m very lucky in so far as I work “annualised hours”-are you familiar with that?-I work 960 hours a year (which allows me to have school hols off plus a bit more) and as long as I work those hours over the year -it dosen’t matter when I put them in.It gives me really good flexability-how about you?
I was off work for 10 months-one thing I am grateful for is they paid full pay for my entire time off. Taking Arimidex and bisphosphonates.
Are you on Tamoxifen/Arimidex yet -or does that follow the Herceptin?

Hi Cherry

That sounds like a great way to do your hours. We don’t have anything like that in Haringey. I am contracted to work 12 hours and then do an extra 12 hours bank during term time, so I work 4 days a week 9 to 3pm. This way I can do the school drop off and pick up.

I have had my 6 months full pay, that’s why I am going back on Monday. You were luck they paid you full pay, I am just about to go on half. I am beginning to wonder if I am going back too soon as I have been feeling a bit rough after the Heceptin this week.

I am not hormone receptive, so just Heceptin for me. When did you go back? How long since your op.

Love Geraldine45

Hi Geraldine -don’t think I could have gone back after 6 months -didn’t have enough hair for a start!! I’m not sure why they decided to continue with full pay -I had a letter from senior manager (not the horrible one) to say she had decided to authorise full pay.I contacted the benefits agency since they were just about to start paying me stat.sick pay -but they said I was entitled to it anyway -so I had full pay, plus sick pay.Not complaining, but you do wonder if “the state” is encouraging dependency.

I expect you will see occ health - despite the fact they said I should “ease” myself back into work , I’m afraid with busy caseloads, lack of staff blah blah -I was expected just to get on with it -so I’ve now become quite protective of myself , I finish when I’ve had enough , go off for appointments without batting an eye, refuse to carry scales any distance ( think I probably had more than average damage to brachial plexus-so arm and chest nips and aches if I carry anything heavy).-so look after yourself.
Lots of luck for Monday -let me know how you get on!
ps- been back at work over a year now.

Hi Cherry

Well I made it throught my first day back. Got a cup of tea then was asked if I would do an all day teaching session on health to a group of foster parents on the 17th May. Oh well its nice to be back!!!
The only good thing is I was so busy, got home and realised that I had not really thought much about BC first time I guess since I was diagnosis. I suppose that is what it is all about, getting back to normal.
How was your day?


Mess for Geraldine 45 Hi Geraldine

Just returned from a very sunny week in Ireland, which was fabulous-BC only crept into my thoughts on a couple of occassions -I do think it helps to stay busy & occupied but equally it would be nice to sit an relax without those unwelcome intrusive thoughts too!

Glad you had a better start to work than I had but yes, once your’re back -you’re back , if you know what I mean. Hope it’s going well and your’re not too exhausted -where are you with the herceptin?