Hi C
I have absolutely no probs with you sending me a message and if I can help you then great.
My little girl will be 4 on 3rd December, date of my CT scan. She is obviously more aware now that there is something wrong after my being in hospital and not being at home for a week. First time in her life that is!! Yeah they say some lovely things, my little girl keeps telling me she loves me so much more now. Was hard though when she visited in hospital as she cried when she had to leave me. I do feel so cheated to have missed his birthday, but thankfully, I bought all the birthday and christmas presents about 2 months ago, so that in case I wasn’t well, they wouldn’t miss out. I have also missed out on his walking a bit, as he was walking before I went into hospital, but has come on leaps and bounds since I was in there and I missed him getting more confident.
I hope your CT scan comes back with good news for you. Are you in the middle of your treatment - think you are, but not sure. My CT scan is to see how the tumours on my liver have responded really and whether they have shrunk. Am petrified in case there is no change or they find more spreads, but spose I have to remain positive. The lump I found in my breast has shrunk, so my liver should really have done the same. It will also determine whether I can go for liver ablation or resection - which I hope I can, as think this is good.
It is so scary and when I was told I had liver mets, my world fell apart and I thought well thats it then. So completely gobsmacked to be told in the space of 2 weeks had bc and liver mets!!! I know that secondaries are not curable, some nice person put that in black and white on one of the forums, which completely knocked me, but I also know that they can contain/control the mets. For how long is anyones guess really, we are all so different.
Keep strong, and your children will help you get through the tough times. Non of us know how long we have even without bc, so just focus on today and your family. I try not to think about the future too much, all I want, more than anything is to see my babies go to school and leave.
How do I cope, not sure really. Spose I have no choice, the children make me smile, and am sure as you know, you don’t get anytime really to sit and dwell on things or to wallow in self pity. I have my really down moments, normally when on my own, and cry, and then have days where I do feel down, but life carries on.
If you ever need to chat, feel free. To do PM on this site you need to type my id - DM1968 in the “Send private message to” box, just under Add your comments.
I hope you are doing OK though and hoping so much for good news for you on Monday. The waiting is the worst I think and there is nothing we can do about that. Keeping everything crossed for you. I have my final taxotere on Wednesday, if it goes ahead, which I hope it does.
Take care and sorry for being so long winded.
Lots of Love