I think we’ve “chatted” a bit on the bcpals website re DIEP reconstruction and Elaine Sassoon - I had my DIEP done by her 18 months ago and am very pleased with the results.
I’ve noticed that you’re having your DIEP on the 22nd this month and I’m going to see Elaine re having risk reduction surgery on my other side. I’m probably going to see her on the 26th and thought you would still be in hospital then - I wondered if you would like me to pop in and see you and show you what a DIEP will look like 18 months down the line? I know when I was recovering, I could have done with something like that to remind me I’d done the right thing - and I had! I know you’re very excited about having Elaine perform the operation - she’s fab and I feel very lucky to have had her as my PS.
Let me know what you think - no pressure!!! I’m guessing from your forum name that your 42 so we’re very close in age!!!
It just occurred to me that you’ve met with Gill so you’ve seen hers! Anyway, would still like to pop in and see you - I will be at the Spire hospital too.
When I saw ‘A message for 1966Ruby’, I was so excited!!! Like being famous, I imagine.
I would love for you to pop in to see me.
John will be coming down to norwich with me on 21st, but leaving to go back up to Middlesbrough on 23rd. Therefore, I will be in hospital on my own (sob sob!) until the following Thursday or Friday.
Gill is planning to pop in also.
I may be in Cringleford ward by then. I will probably not be looking my best though!
I am indeed 42!! We can compare wounds!
When I was having my mastectomy, another lady showed me her mastectomy scar from 4 years later, and it made me feel better. I knew this lady by sight from my aerobics classes, but we had only previously said, ‘Hello’. Couldnt believe it when she told me - I wouldnt have known.
Still waiting for my appointment to be confirmed but I’m pretty sure it will be the afternoon of the 26th so you’ll still be there! I think that was the ward that I was on, in a side room so that was nice. My op was done on the NHS but this time I’m going private - are you having your op in the Spire hospital and then being moved to the N&N or are you in the main hospital all the time?
Have to say I didn’t look too good - couldn’t wait to wash my hair but had to get my mum to do it for me as couldn’t stand too long and didn’t want to get the dressings wet.
Hi Sally
Im going private also - that’s why I will be on Cringleford! The tv and parking is free!! However, the phone calls arent.
When you say the 2nd and 3rd nights are hard - what do you mean?
I’m excited, but really am scared also! When I told Gill I was peeing my pants, she said that I would be ok because I would have a catheter!!!
(Oh god, more tubes!)
Ha ha about the catheter!!! Yes you do, but I didn’t want it taken out - meant I had to get out of bed and go to the loo!!
Re the 2nd and 3rd nights - I found them hard because you’re lying propped up with you knees bent too to stop you stretching your tum, and I found I really wanted to sleep on my side but was too painful. Also, my head tends to whizz about so couldn’t switch that off. But everyone’s different, and you may not find it that bad. It was painful, but it was worth it. My recovery was very quick - the dressings lady was surprised to see me walking so straight and quickly 2 weeks after the op. I’ve also had 3 Caesareans so had had a bit of practice.
Hopefully your food will be nicer too - I didn’t find the NHS food too bad, but it was variations of mince - just as well I like it!
Try not to be scared, easier said than done I know. When I get worried about things I say to myself (as Henry Kelly used to say on Going for Gold!) “time passes and continues” and you’ll be like me now, excited for someone else!!
I agreed about the catheter and the hardest thing I found about lying on my back for three days was the back ache when I eventually got out of bed on day three post op.
Time soon passes tho and take plenty of reading/ puzzle books in with you for when you do get up out of bed as the time tends to drag then.
Won’t be long now Lisa
Hi Ladies
A week tomorrow I will be driving down to Norwich with one boob, and coming back 2 weeks later with 2!!
I have just been lying in the bath, and I caught myself squashing up my tummy to make a breast shape, and trying to imagine how tight the tummy is going to be.
Ok…OK… I do that a lot - its not a one-off, I confess! Elaine Sassoon told me that I have just enough for a D cup - but my tummy will be very tight. I dont know what I am more worried about, the operation itself of afterwards with the drains and tubes, and tight tummy!
She is fab though, and I dont think I would let anyone else do the op for me.
Sally, Shell - you both are so right about time. It is more than 6 months since my mastectomy and cant believe how time has flown. I keep telling myself that this time in one week (2 …3) it will be over.
I’ve had my appointments with Simon Pain and Elaine confirmed for the 26th - one at 4.40 pm and one at 7.00 pm so will pop in to see you between the appointments. If you go on BC Pals you can see what I look like so you’ll recognise me!!
Your tummy will be very tight for a while, which is why you have to keep your knees bent with pillows underneath. I’m an E cup so Elaine put a small implant in as well, but I only know where it is because she told me - I can’t feel it at all. My boob’s a lot softer than it used to be so don’t worry if it seems a bit hard at first - it will settle down.
Have you been told what will happen the evening before ie going for an ultrasound to find good veins to use? Elaine will be with you when they do it. You then get drawn all over by Elaine once your back in your room - quite a weird experience.
Also, don’t worry about the operation - you’ll go in and come out in a instant!! You’ll be absolutely fine - you really are in the best of hands.
Will text you nearer the date - I’m getting excited for you!!
Hi Lisa & Sally,
Lisa, when you mentioned about squashing your tummy to make a boob shape made me smile as that’s what I did before my op.
Mines a “D” also.
Think I had more tummy than you going by your pictures and mine didn’t feel all that stretched, well not as bad as I thought it would be.
My neighbour Julie thinks my flat tummy is great now as we used to joke about our beer barrels and she still has hers, lol.
I’m also getting excited for you, just think of that lovely cleavage you will have.
Michelle - believe me, I have the tummy! I did loose a weight earlier in the year but I think I am back to my pre-cancer weight now.
Been cultivating that breast for a few months… eating healthily but eating badly too!
All the ladies I have told about this op, think its marvellous to have the flat tummy, forgetting about the obtaining of a breast (but I guess they cannot relate to that bit!)
Sally - six children, how fantastic is that!! That’s lovely… however, I can understand why you would want to stay in hospital for some rest! I must admit, when I got out after my mastectomy, I didnt feel ready - but they practically threw - me out! I cried all night. However, this time, there wont be the emotional and morbid side of things to cope with (I hope!)
Deb - since my consultantion and now, time has simply flown. Ill let you have the day by day updates!!!
Reading all your enthusiastic posts to each other is an inspiration. This is what I need at the moment as I am stuck in a bit of a rut.
I saw Elaine Sassoon last month with a view to having an IGAP but unfortunately I don’t have enough spare on my buttock for this op. She did however say that I would be suitable for DIEP. I feel so scared just at the thought of such a big scar on my tummy. I had convinced myself that I could cope with a scar at the back of my thigh at the top of my leg so it was a let down to be told that I can’t have this. I suppose it’s a bit like having a baby- just dive in and think of the end result and don’t worry about how you have to get there.
Hi Cora
At least you will be able to sit down after the DIEP
I thought it was better for me not to have the igap since I would come out looking like Katie Price (Jordon)
I will wait and see how you get on especially as I understand that you are quite a way from Norwich as I am as well. If I am going to have reconstruction then after talking to Elaine she is the surgeon I would prefer to carry out my surgery but I do wonder how I would get on with the outpatients appointments afterwards. I look forward to hearing about it all from you.
I think you can go to your local hospital for your outpatient appointments; i.e., dressings, if you don’t have any complications which I didn’t. My first follow-up with Elaine was scheduled for 2 months after my op but this kept getting cancelled and I ended up not seeing her for nearly 6 months after my operation - this was on the NHS though. When I went back to see her once I had moved to London re nipple recon, she said it would be fine for me to go to my local hospital for dressings etc.
That’s what I will be going - going to outpatients. I am staying in Norwich for a week after the op just to make sure all is ok.
Bag just about packed…
Get some big, what my mother calls Harvester Pants - everything safely gathered in - maybe not to wear straight away but certainly in the weeks after - they really helped my tummy go down. It will be swollen though very tight. Once I started wearing them, my tummy went down really quickly and was lovely and flat.
I got mine from M&S, they’re their own version of Trinny & Suzannah’s ones - bit of a b**ger to get on but worth it!!
Hi Sally
Thanks for the advice. I am leaving work tomorrow at lunchtime and having a day and a half ‘holiday’ before the op to sort last minute things.
Ill pop to M&S - if I send John, he would bring the wrong things back!
Thanks for telling me about the outpatients appointments as this was a concern as my husband has taken a lot of time off work this year for my various treatments and scans. My PS is lovely and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking me on after any surgery. It is good to know that this is common practice as Norwich is a bit of a trek from where I live. It’s not exactly round the corner for you either is it?