Message for Cherryred
Message for Cherryred Hi Cherry
Sorry nt been in touch for a while, really pleased your check up and mamogram results were ok.
I’ve got to arrange to have a mamogram on good boob sometime this month urgh…
How was your bank holiday, did you enjoy your shopping trip with your daughter, I have that treat in store with Emma tomorrow, better try and hang on to my credit card!!!
I am going to London on the 23rd of this month as it is my brother and my sister in laws joint 40th birthday party I going with both my sisters so i’m really looking forward to that. Then the following week I have my nipple tatoo done so that will be the end of the recon finally! it will be 3 years next month since I found the lump.
Hope everything is good with you and yours, such a pity we are not close enough to meet for coffee, but you never know we might manage it one day!!!
Have a lovley weekend.
Love Lesley xxx
Hi Lesley -Thought you must be somewhere enjoying yourself and not thinking about the dreaded BC. Do you find you still think about it frequently ? -I suppose I think about it more than I would like but it seems to be worse if all around me seems to be degenerating into mess,or if I have a check-up looming as I had recently.
You will have a smashing time at your brother & S-I -Law’s party, especially if your’re going with the rest of your sibs. I love it when I can be with both of my sisters (all female household, much to my poor departed dad’s dismay!)-sadly due to geography, it dosen’t happen that often.
I may have asked this before, but do you have much sensation in your recon. boob, do they do the nipple tatooing under general or local?
Anyway, the sun is shining, my son has disappeared(with the car-eek) to Epsom Downs as it’s Derby day, my daughter is at a friends and I’m going back outside to read.
If you ever have the notion to have a visit to London , we could maybe meet then -I’m all for wandering up and down Oxford Street , browsing around and drifting from coffee house to coffee house etc. (Couldn’t print what my husband would think of that idea lol).
Cherry xx
Hi Cherry Hi Cherry
Hope you are well and having a lovely weeked.
I will hopefully be in London at the end of August, Emmas birthday pressie is a shopping trip to London and to see the Sound of Music, she is very interested in dance drama singing and was in a local production of the sound of music herself playing the baby can’t remeber the name Gretal I think. When I have the dates will let you know I’m sure Emma and Chris wouldn’t mind me being missing for a couple of hours.
Well how much time do I spend dwelling on the dreaded bc too much and like you worse at check up time or if i’m tired and stressed i’m hoping it will become less as time goes by, but not convinced.
I don’t have much sensation at all in recon boob and the tatooing will be done with just a local not general which I think i’m going to find highly embarrasing, what do you chat about while you are having your nipple tatooed?
Unfortunately I have a date with the ironing board now!!!
Take care
p.s. I will pm you on other site later on in the week and give you my telephone number, then at least we can have a proper chat.
Bye for now
Love Lesley x
Hi Lesley -just a quick post as I’ve just nipped in for a long cool drink as I’ve been lounging around in the garden reading my book (such decadence). I am home alone this weekend-very strange feeling. My husband is with his running club somewhere in Wales, Rachel has a french exchange student for the next 2 weeks and they are staying at a friends house, and I’m going to pick up James later from a friend’s.It was a spooky feeling being in the house on my own last night-overactive imagination!!
I’m sure you will all adore, sound of music. We saw it in February-with connie fisher and Lesley garrart. Don’t know whether you’ve been watching “any dream will do” -I’ve got tickets for that in september.Rachel has the hots for lovely Lee.
Anyway best of luck with your tattoing-hope he/she is a good artist! Let me know how it goes.