message for dilly

message for dilly

message for dilly Hi Dilly

I was going to have the straight sillicone inplant, before I decided to have the back muscle operation and I also think that Anita C on the chat forums is a good person to advise you as I think she was initially thinking about that too, but we both opted for the back muscle operation mine a week before Anita as far as I remember, it takes a bit of getting used to, but apparently it gives you a better shape and if you have to have rads you have an implant in you which needs to be removed anyway as its an expander implant, radiation can affect the implant .

I was a 36C cup so I needed an expander to make my breast as big as the other one after the mastectomy, it is now the same size with the swelling gone as my original breast…

I was only in hospital 3 day’s when I had my operation…the drains were the worst part of it, but I’m not sure whether you will have those even if you just have the mastectomy…

I have to have another operation eventually to replace the implant for a soft sillicone one but I am in no rush to do that after I have finished Chemo etc I can do that at my leisure…

There have been times when I have got fed up with it as it can be uncomfortable at times, but then I am fed up with the chemo and I’m sure I will be fed up with Rads too I think it all gets on top of you and the next stage takes over with importance…

I know when it is all over I have made the right choice for me… but only you can make that choice I think you need to find out if you are going to have rads before you make a decision and the impact that would have on the implant…

hope this helps takecare let us know what happens

love lucy

Dilly if you look on immediate or elayed recon post you will see what Anita has written
