Message for Elizabeth16

Hi Elizabeth
Just wanted to say goodluck for tomorrow. I am sure you are frantically getting your life in order today.

Before my first chemo, I changed all the beds, did my housework, did the laundry, ironed, washed my kitchen floors, cleaned the bathrooms and then baked cakes so the kids had a treat on chemo day.

Anyway still do this before every cycle and its become a bit of a routine for getting rid of my nervous energy.

I really hope it goes smoothly- I’ll be thinking about you.

Let us know how you get on.


Hi Anne

Funnily enough I am at work today feeling fine! It’s funny how last week I was thinking about not doing the chemo at all but now I feel pretty happy about things. Talking things over with you and knowing Hannah is on the same timetable has been such a help. I even decided to have my head shaved so I feel more in control (even though I paid £40.00 on Monday having my long locks cut off (oh well)).

Thanks for your message - knowing I have people thinking about me is great and I truly don’t think I could have done any of this without the support of you and others on this site.

I’ll let you know how I get on tomorrow!!

Elizabeth x