message for linbob

message for linbob

message for linbob Oh Linda

I soooo sympathise with you. What a lot we have in common! My OH hasn’t worked since my diagnosis in Oct. He usually keeps himself quite busy, doing stuff he enjoys though like playing his guitar or gardening!

Same here, I don’t need his help, infact, I think I would be better without him here, it would force me to get on with things that he takes over before I get the chance like the laundry, but then wants praise for something I have done without question for the last 29 yrs, with a job and 3 kids to bring up, all of which I mostly did independently!

Do you have kids? Mine are so lovely but don’t live local and I have come so close to telling them just what an arse he is sometimes but thankfully I haven’t, it’s my problem not theirs.

Hope you get the strength from somewhere when you are feeling more well to sort him out, it’s not easy but we are the stronger sex!

Love Irene

hi irene hi there read your post I got 2 kids my son lives in Birmingham where I lived for 25 years we just moved back to Scotland in November and I found the lump a week later so everything happened so fast for me I had my masectomy in December 2006. The reason we moved back to Scotland was my daughter lived here with her 2 little girls and her husband he died of lung cancer aged 29 last july so that was why we decided to move back here. I have the 2 kids every weekend they keep me going and it gives my daughter a break to.we have bought a lovely house here in a little village but I do miss my home in Birmingham and all my friends to. As soon as my hair grows I am going back to see my son and his family and all my friends.As I said I have only 2 chemos to go and I dont have to have any rads so I am looking at August. I feel its been so hard especially with all new doctors and a new hospital but I have to say my treatment has been great everything was done so quick.Ido experience terrible anger that I have never had in my life. I have always worked full time and we had a great life in Birmingham so it has been hard but hopefully not for long now. Thanks for listening I am so glad I found this site as you can say things on here that you wouldnt say to anyone else Love Linda xx