message for linbob

message for linbob

message for linbob Hi Linda

Thankyou for thinking of me. This is lovely and I appreciate it. I was in such a dark place last wk that it would have made me angry that I was getting this sort of care from a stranger, now I realise how lucky I am that I am not going through this alone.

Thankyou for your advice re grant. I suspect it was through Macmillan and if so, I have already benefited from this myself, to help pay for my heating repair.

Things certainly are not perfect here but it’s not as bad as it has been. I just couldn’t stop crying last wk, even yesterday I was off but no tears yet today. The cyst needing dressing everyday was the straw that broke the camels back. I felt totally trapped by daily visits.

My Macmillan nurse visited me on friday and as usual she spoke such a lot of sense. She helped me to see I need space and so that has focused me again. I seriously want to take up sailing and was hoping to go on a course in July but finances have prevented me from booking.

A friend who had a stoke in her thirties suggested I look into seeing if I could get financial help with this as it was offered to her but obviously through a different agency. Any ideas? I can only think of Macmillan and they have already helped.

Well I am now focussing on my holiday with my lovely family starting this fri and hopefully, the cyst wont need daily dressing by then as I will need to go to the local cottage hospital, while on holiday, crap ay.

Cheers again and you take care too.

Love Irene

just bringing this back to the top!