Message For Lynne B - Good Luck

Message For Lynne B - Good Luck

Message For Lynne B - Good Luck Hi Lynne

Hope you are ok. Just wanted to wish you luck for your reconstruction this month, hope all goes well.

I have made a different decision, I have a date for my gene test 24th July then should get the results about 4 weeks later. Decided there was no point now in seeing the surgeon first, I was just delaying things.

Keep in touch
Lisa xxx

Thanks so much Hi Lisa,
Thanks so much for your post, it was really nice to hear from you. I’m fine, although very nervous, its 2 weeks today that I go in, and have the op on the Tuesday!!!
I’ve been to the ward today (I’m lucky in that I work at the hospital that is doing the op) and had a chat to the staff about things, so I feel a little better for doing that.
I think you are wise in waiting to have your gene test and then deciding on what you are going to do - I’m sure that whatever you will be ok.
You go for the gene test on the day that I go into hospital, so good luck I hope everything will be ok for you.
I will write to you again before then, take care, thanks for the note
Lynne xx

Hi Lynne,

Hope you are ok, I can imagine how nervous you are, it is a big step. Though you are nearly there now.

I am sure you will be fine and back on your feet before you know it.

I will be thinking of you and wish you well. Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

Should have my results by the end of August…fingers crossed for a negative, although I know I am going to be shocked either way, even though I have resigned myself to the fact it will be positive.

Anyway - Be brave.

Speak soon
Lisa xxxxx

Very nervous!!! Hi Lisa,

Thanks for your post, yes I’m absolutely terrified, but you just have to get on with it don’t you. I feel I’m making light of everything at the moment, but inside yes I am very worked up about the whole thing. I just need to get it over and done with now, then I can get on with life.

I was just thinking of my own experience about my test results and also that of my family. My own results were’nt a shock at all to me, it was something that I kind of knew I had and had suspected about for years. Whereas my cousin’s results upset me so much and I was completely shocked. We also have another cousin who after having our results we thought, that her results would be positive, but they were negative. I guess it just goes to show that no matter how much you think about positive or negative you don’t really know until you get told properly.

I will be in touch, I’ll be away a week from next Monday (having the op!) and as soon as I can write I will do. I’ll be thinking of you and really hoping that things are ok. Catch up with you soon, and try not to worry too much.

Lynne xx


I will be thinking of you too, shame you aren’t in the area, I could have popped in and said hello !

My fingers are crossed that all will go well and you won’t be in too much pain. You will be back on your feet soone enough and I look forward to hearing from you when you are on the road to recovery. Just think of the relief afterwards, not worrying about finding a lump and thinking the worst.

Fingers crossed, chin up, positive thoughts and a speedy recovery.

Big Hug
Lisa xxxxx