Are you still out there? you did post to me about 14months ago, i was absolute rubbish on the computer then and did not see your reply until 4 months later(Doo Doo) any way real wizz kid now. If you remember we had identical tumours, Medullary Triple Neg Etc, i have often wondered how you were going on? If you see this, would love a reply hope you are well…x
Hi Kippy
Hope you dont mind me emailing… ive just finished treatement for my 2nd primary medullary triple negative and just wondered if you had any advise… i have just been told i have brca1 gene… and now await oophrectomy and perhaps double masts?
Many thanks wendy
Hi Wendy, i have done loads of reading on the medullary tumour. i have not got the use of my home computer at the moment, there is fault on it, i shall get back to you. I am using the comp in the library (not so good) take care.
Hi Kippy
Im amazed ive just searched on google and come up with a question i asked…!! I didn’t eamil about 14 months ago as ive been ok for 6 years so only recently arrived on this site… hope your computer is back to normal and look forward to hearing from you!