Message for nadia
Message for nadia Hi Nadia,
how are you doing? I am finally enjoying a little peace and quiet now that our families have gone, for a few days at least! Simon had to go back to work on tuesday, after having the last 3 weeks off with me, its really hard as he works away so I don’t see him again until friday. My mum is here at the mo though so at least I’m not home alone. We are off to birmingham to get my wig today, its quite exciting in a weird sort of way!
Went to get my results yesterday, not great but could’ve been worse I suppose! My tumour was 4 cm and is grade 3, which would explain why it grew so quickly. Its is hormome receptive. Their was lymph node involvement, worse luck, but as these were removed when I had my mastectomy I don’t need to have another op.
Having a CT scan in the next couple of weeks then its off to see the oncologist. I still can’t believe this is happening to me, its so surreal! Well, I’ve got 6 months of chemo and then 6 months of rads ahead of me next followed by 5 years of medication. So, lots to look forward to eh, NOT!! LOL.
Anyway mate, enough about me, how are you getting on? Hope you are ok and everyone is still running around after you,
Take care and let me know how you’re doing when you get a chance,
Love kelly
Hi Kelly,
How you doing? Hope you had a good easter!
Your results show grade 3 cancer with no spread to the lymph nodes- thats good news. Same as me grade 3 the ‘lump’ was 12mm with no spread to the lymph nodes. I go back tomorow to get the results to find out if hormone receptive. my mothers was’nt so mine may not be. As yours IS hormone receptive do you know if you will be able to have the Herceptin drug? How do you feel in yourself? It’s weird, i forget sometimes then in the middle of doing something i remember that the next few months are going to a bumpy ride. I have got a CT and MRI scan next Tuesday. Still trying to carry on as normal but it’s always at the back of your mind. I still need to shop around for a wig, I have tried some on but I think they will need a slight trim to how i want it. Its actually qutie exciting! did you get your hair cut short?
I have ben reffered to the Royal marsden Hospital, so i am waiting for appointment with the onc there to discuss what chemo i will need.
Take Care and Stay strong
lots of love
Nadia Xx
Hi Nadia Hi Nadia,
great to hear from you. Unfortunately there was lymph node involvement but they were all removed so my surgeon says there are no worries there!Thank god!
I had a good easter but, like you, this was always in the back of my mind. I had my lovely long hair cut short before I went into hospital as I didn’t think I would be able to manage straightening it and stuff. I was gutted but have got totally used to it now and actually like the fact that my hair looks good and only takes 5 mins! I wasn’t very good with long hair anyway to be honest, I only had 2 styles for down and 1 style for up!
My mum took me to birmingham earlier, went to ‘trendco’ to get my wig. It is awesome and I’m really pleased with it, well, as pleased as I can be. I have opted for a lovely short bob with a fringe. I had made arrangements to get it cut properly but the lady in the shop actually teaches the likes of Trevor Sorbie and she had already cut it herself. So thankfully it doesn’t need a thing doing to it.
I have started oozing loads of watery fluid from my wound today, lovely!!! BC nurse and consultant say thats absolutely normal and to be expected but I am off to the hospital again on Monday just to get it checked out. The ‘lump’ is being tested to see if it is HER2 positive and if it is I will be having Herceptin.
Lucky you going to the Royal Marsden, that is an amazing hospital and a centre of excellence for oncology. I am sure you will get the best care there.
Take care and keep in touch,
Hi Kelly,
You sound in good spirits. Well done of getting your wig, have you statred to wear it around the house to get used to it? The wig is the next thing I must do. I have CT scans next week and my oncologist appointment on thursday, so the ball is rolling! I got results today to confirm my lump was not hormone receptive, so i will not be able to have herceptin. The exact same symptoms as my mum- we think my mum started the’cancer’ trend as there is no family history. What a bummer to have to happen now. It’s a shame we are not near each other as we could meet up. i have seen a post for a group in london which I may go to. Have you met anyone else in your situation? I think It would be nice to talk to someone in person.
Any news about how you will go about fertility treatment, all I know is I have been refered to speciaist, will prob have to take hormone medication to produce more eggs, then you go into hospital as a day patient to have treatment.
Also I ordered some books from Amazon about people who have had and diet etc, really useful, check out if you can.
Take Care and Speak Soon
Nadia xx
Dear Nadia I have been following this thread and see that you feel it would be nice to talk to someone in a similar situation and I would just like to point you to a post at the top of the ‘Younger womens’ forum about a telephone support group which you may be interested in. The next group will start in May and you can find out more from the helpline on 0808 800 6000.
Also, you may find it helpful to read our factsheet on herceptin to help you understand more about HER2 testing, herceptin and when it is prescribed. You can read this via the following link:
If you find that you need further information regarding treatments, please do not hesitate to contact our helpline or the ‘Ask the Nurse’ service which you can find on the homepage of the website.
Kind regards
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Breast Cancer Care