Message for Poohbear

Message for Poohbear

Message for Poohbear Hi Pam, just a quick message to say I am sorry that I haven’t yet managed to register on the other site. My husband broke his ankle on Friday and I have been doing the hospital driver and the caring bit over the weekend.


Hello Meg. Sorry to hear about your husband. So its your turn to be the carer now! Just when you think you’re getting back to some sort of normality, the hospital is calling you back!

I have registered on the other site but I’m still trying to get my head round it! It doesn’t seem to be as easy as this one, but I’ll give it a go and try a posting this afternoon.

Don’t worry about it - you’ve got enough to cope with!

I hope your skin is still improving. My skin is not as red and sore so I hope its on the mend.

Best wishes to your husband. Keep in touch.

Pam x