Message for princess 18

Don’t know how to use the private messages thread and don’t like to use the more serious threads all the time. Anyway just want to ask what area you live in . Are we allowed to give our town name? Anyways I’m in Hertfordshire are you anywhere near? Have a feeling I don’t want to know the answer!!

Norma x

Hi Norma,

I live in Shropshire, so nowhere near you I’m afraid. At least I don’t think so, although geography has never been my strong point!! LOL!!


Hi Kelly,
Me neither but hey enjoyed some of your lovely blue cheese lunchtime with crackers and a glass of red wine while watching the Grand Prix!- Lovely.

Norma x

Hi Norma,

Saw this and thought I’d say I am in Hertfrdshire too near Met Line.

Mrs T x

Hi Mrs T

Ever heard of Hitchin?

Norma x