Message for princess18

Message for princess18

Message for princess18 Hi kelly,
how are you doing? thought of you on thursday. i hope all went well for you. I had my op on thursday and came home yesterday. it all seems a bit of a blur now. ii still hurts and feels like i have a tennis ball underneath my arm pit and i can move my arm more freely. but since i have come out i am feeling the reality of the next few months ahead. I hope you are well and taking it easy. hope to hear from you soon

Love Nadia x

Hi Nadia! Hi Nadia,

really sorry its taken me so long to reply. Have been looking at the newly diagnosed chat and forgot to look at the younger women’s section until today! I was thinking of you when I went for my op, and the many more of us there are out there. The woman in the bed opposite me had had her mastectomy the day before mine! I got discharged on tues, once both drains had been removed. As you said, it all seems quite a blur to be honest, I mean I haven’t even been diagnosed 3 weeks and I feel like I’ve been living with this forever!!

Surgeon said my op went really well and he was very pleased, but we’ll see, I go for my results on weds!! Really starting to get nervous in case there is even more bad news! Should get my referral to the oncologist on weds too, thats something to look forward to, NOT!!! I wish this would all disappear and I could get my life back.

I felt really well when I was first discharged but I think this was just because I was on a high from being at home. The second day out was terrible, I was in loads of pain and was really tearful. My poor boyfriend didn’t know what had hit him! I just kept crying at the drop of a hat!! Really swollen now but managing to keep the pain at bay with nurofen and paracetamol, thank god!!

How are you feeling now you’ve been at home a few days? Have you been bombarded with visitors armed with choccies and flowers? I hope you have lots of people around you taking care of your every whim!

Look after yourself, keep smiling and be sure to letme know how you are doing,



Hi Kelly,

Glad you are home and well, I thought of you too on Thursday, over a week ago now. I was the same as you glad to get home on Monday, but on Wdenesday i was very emotional and teary at everything. My friends and family have been great, loads of flowers and chocolates and vistors, I have not really had a moment to myself as everyone wants to take care of you! Since I came home I have been out and about everyday, and i have not taken as many painkillers. I am gradually building up strength in my left side. I have two neat scars one on the side of my breat and one on my armpit which is the most painful. Results showed no spread to the lymph nodes which is good, i had Grade 3 with a 12mm lump, just waiting for appointment with the Onc to discuss what treatment is needed.
Will you be having fertility treatment to preserve eggs/embryos? I am hoping to do this as I would like to have children one day.
I went wig shopping yesterday and found a brilliant one, I actullay got excited about wearing a wig!
I really pleased to hear you are well and you sound like you are dealing with it well too. I know there will be rocky days ahead but stay strong and positive.

Love Nadia x

Defo having fertility treatment Hi Nadia,

I am definately planning to have fertility treatment prior to starting chemo. My breast care nurse says this won’t be a problem at all and I hope she is right. We have no children at the mo and I would hate it if it that door were to be closed for good.

Where did you get your wig from and did you need to get it cut at all? I have been on to trevor sorbies ‘my new hair’ website after seeing him on ‘this morning’ a couple of weeks ago. I have since got in touch with a guy at the Umberto Gianini salon in Birmingham who was mentioned on the website, once I have my wig he will cut it free of charge. Hopefully off wig shopping with my mum next week in Birmingham, going to a shop called ‘trendco’ which was recommended to me. Apparently they do the wigs for Barbara Windsor and she always has a fine head of hair! Really keen to get it asap to be honest. Already have loads of scarves and headwear but want me wig asap so I’m all ready for it!

Glad to hear you are doing well and have lots of good people round you. Like you, I have not had a moment to myself since I came out of hospital. My mum and Simons parents have taken up residence and won’t let me do a thing! The phone never stops ringing either and I swear I’ve had more ‘get well soon’ cards that I ever have had birthday cards!

Hopefully off to but a new bed today. Ours is really old and I think I’ve managed to convince Simon that a new bed is essentail to my recovery!! Hopefully off to sit in a nice beer garden and enjoy a strongbow or 2 in the sunshine!!

Enjoy your easter as much as possible. Have loads of fun but make sure you chill out loads to and allow yourself to be pampered!

Take care and keep in touch,

