Message for Rosamund

Hi Rosamund

Just wanted you to know I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. Another stage in this journey we are on…

Take Care

Love Maggie

Hi Maggie,
Thank you for thinking of me yesterday, what would we do without the support from each other.
we are so lucky to have the forums to vent our feelings.
Yes it is a journey, not one any of us thought we would be on.
Many deep and fearful valleys, but thank God , somehow we do climb those mountains too
Yesterday went well, I consider myself very lucky that I have a date for surgery.
I am to have a Mastectomy and lymph clearance on Wed 29th…Chemo …Rads.
Five weeks of waiting has been a nightmare, but here I am, climbing the hill.
I hope things are getting brighter for you…please keep in touch.
I will let you know how things progress…love n huge hugs and you take good care of yourself too.
Rosamund x

Hi Rosamund

So good to hear from you

Another stage over for me. I had a quadrantectomy (Sorry for the spelling), reduction and lymph node biopsy last Thursday, after a five week wait due to holidays. Was out of hospital on Saturday. All went well.

I went today for my results, which for me are fantastic, Grade 1, Size14mm not really staged, lymph 0/4, HER2+ (I think). So the next stage for me is an appointment with an oncologist to discuss radiotherapy, and 5 years of Tamoxifen.

I’m sitting here thinking bring it on.

I really do wish you the best for your surgery on the 29th, you are so in my thoughts, as I feel we kind of started out at the same time.

Hope your having a good weekend, and as a carer, being kind to yourself as well.

Hugs xxxx


P.S. Don’t forget the button through PJ’s or nighties.

Hi Maggie,
so glad all went well for your surgery, one big step over eh? Brilliant news on the results. Rock on!
Thanks for keeping in touch, it really helps. hope you are having a good weekend.
Afraid mine did not start well, I have brought a MP3 player to take into hospital, my son visited to download music for me.( I am no good with modern technology).
I have been trying to put on a brave face with my children, but today when my son arrived, I just broke down completely.
I just could not stop sobbing, I feel so bad to let him see his mum this way.
I am so proud of him, he held me in his arms and assured me that all will be well, I feel so sad that he had to see me like this.
Forgive me for starting every sentence with " I " but it’s hard not to focus on myself at the moment.
Caring for Mum in Law helps me a little now, thinking about her needs at least I am doing something constructive.
My hospital does not have a breast care ward, so I had been allocated a bed on orthopaedics’s am the only breast surgery patient. rather hoped I would find a buddy (not that I would wish this on anyone)
My children have spoilt me and booked an Amenity bed on the private wing, at least this will free up a bed on Ortho and I can have free visiting. I am so lucky.
Thanks for the tip on PJ’s
Yes, I believe we did start out around the same time, I would very much like to stay in touch, you have been so supportive and kind.
I will def keep you posted, sending you love and hugs
Rosamund x

good luck rosamund and bless your kids for the room it will be better for you as your family will be able to see you whenever . all the best.

Hi ringo,
Thanks for your good wishes.
my children are angels, I feel very spoilt.
Take care
Love Rosamund x

Hi Rosamund

Just wondered how you are after your surgery?

I’m going to be joining the chemo club, after seeing onc last week she has decided that I need to have Herceptin as well as rads, tamoxifen. So next week is my first chemo session. It’s going to be a long haul.

Please let me know how your doing.


Maggie x

Hi all,
I,m back, missed you all, just catching up.
Maggie, you will be having chemo by now, I am thinking of you, let me know how it goes.
My surgery went well, not as bad as I imagined, so I am relieved to be over the first hurdle.
I had problems with fluid build-up around the wound ,I wondered why I still had a nice cleavage, alas, my consultant quickly put paid to that.
I was well impressed with myself, with my little softie tucked in my bra, I looked the same as before surgery.
Consultant tells me he cleared my axillary lymph,only 2 nodes were cancerous, that is good news, referred me to Onc for Chemo and Rads.
The worst thing for me was the waiting before surgery, having so much time, my imagination ran riot, the actual surgery was nothing compared to the fear I could not see beyond that.
A very big thankyou to all who have kept me afloat during this time, so wonderful we have each other.
Good luck to all, I hope to catch up with you soon
Lots of love and hugs you are all in my prayers
Rosamund x

Rosamund, I’m so glad your on the mend, so to speak. One hurdle down and a few more to go. You have had to play the waiting game and I do feel for you.

I had my first chemo today (EC), (that’s now yesterday) but once again lucky bitch that I am, only three more to go. Feeling quite sick, but not thrown up yet, I’m taking the meds.

I’m also glad that chicken fillet has found a nice home;).

My thanks as well, to all the ladies who have taken time out to offer support and advice, It would be so much harder to do it without you.

Take care


Maggie x