message to Mounties
message to Mounties No one has mentioned about getting financial help to me either. It is only through reading posts on here that I realized I could get a grant from the McMillan fund. You have to be left with £100 per person per week in household after water mortgage council tax paid. I have a 16 year old lad and my income has dropped by half. I still get child tax credit for him but lose the working tax credit. I get incapacity now instead. This still makes my monthly income about 600 pounds and is nowhere near enough to manage on as I have a mortgage, and didn’t have critical cover. I need to get back to work asap but am still having rads and feel very tired. I have applied for specs as I have broke them and spilt superglue on them trying to mend them I can’t see out of left eye. I have got a quote from opticians and am going to hand the form in tomorrow at the hospital. Ring the hospital and the social worker will give you the numbers. We are on fish fingers tonight as need to eat as cheaply as possible lol Love Eileen
sorry Mounties meant to ask how is the chemo going? Eileen