Metaplastic Breast Cancer

Hi there I’ve just been diagnosed with metaplastic breast cancer and wondered whether anyone has had the same diagnosis? There seems to be little information about this rare cancer and it would be nice to chat to someone who has been through this. Thanks

hi mazzer,
Welcome to the forum, but sorry you find yourself here.
I might be an idea to post in the ‘Diagnosed with Breast Cancer’ section in the ‘Iam newly diagnosed’ board on the home page.
There is loads of support from others at the similar stage to yourself, even if not your diagnosis.
do take care
ann x

Hi Mazzer,

I was diagnosed last year in July with Metaplastic breast cancer.  Only 1% of all breast cancers are metaplastic, so it is very rare.  I am currently undergoing chemotherapy to be followed by three weeks radiotherapy.  There is very little on the internet about MBC but there is a very useful facebook group based in America and there is lots of encouragement and support on it, you may find it helpful.

Good luck with your treatment.

Love Jenny 

Hi Mazzer I was diagnosed in January 2015 with Metaplastic Breast .Cancer. I’m in remission ( two years now). If you want to chat give me a buzz on here. :slight_smile: