Metastatic tnbc

I am new to this group. This is my first post. I am 34 and have a 2 year old son. I was diagnosed with metaplastic tnbc in march 2024. Primary tumor was 1.2 cm and stage 1. Even though i was terrified I slowly came to terms with it thinking that it’s small and curable. Later in a breast MRI they found a large (6.8 cm) non mass enhancement which they thought is dense breast tissue. Biopsy confirmed that the large non mass enhancement is Invasive ductal carcinoma. I upgraded from stage 1 to stage 3 because of the size of the tumors. No lymph node involvement. Had CT and PET in march, no metastasis. I did 4 rounds of AC and 12 rounds of taxol plus carboplatin along with keytruda. My tumor is shrinking and half way through chemo the initial 1.2 cm tumor almost gone. Had a follow up MRI to check the non mass enhancement and it increased from 6.8 cm to 8.2 cm, oncologist said it’s probably inflammation and seemed not too concerned about it. Finished chemo sept and mastectomy scheduled for oct 15. Just had a CT and bone scan last week. Bone scan is clear but they found a 11 mm lesion on my liver and it says may be metastatic on the report. Waiting for biopsy. Very scared and terrified of dying young and leaving my son. Please help me. Googled survival chances and they are very slim. I feel like my time here is coming to an end. I am in a very dark place.

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Welcome to the forum @neelima90 . I’m
so sorry you having such a horrible scary time . I’m sure others will be along to hopefully share their experiences soon but I just wanted to say that once you’ve had breast cancer they always suspect metastases when looking at anything a bit different on scans and often further investigations will find other explanations . I was told I probably had extensive bone mets after 2 MRI scans - I didn’t but it took several months to get to that point . Please stay away from Google it will not give you an accurate picture of what you may be dealing with at all - information is based on treatments that people were given 10 plus years ago and treatments have moved on massively since then . There are people on the forum who’ve lived for many years with secondary breast cancer so don’t write yourself off just yet . Best wishes Jill x