mets to supraclavicle node

Thanks Bernadette… I hope you had a good time in Covent garden… Was there with kids at half term… Had lovely time…

I’m surprised yr bcn hasn’t rung considering it’s urgent… Here’s hoping that means good news for you?

Hope you have a good weekend… Let us ‘nodees’ know when your appt is so I can send good vibes over to you!
Take care of yourself…

C xx

Happy St David’s day to the " Nodee, Noddy, Noodles gang, we have lovely sunshine today!! Got my next appointment on Tuesday, no scan results, phew, just bloods and more Cape tablets. Hopefully I can breathe until next scan in May… Glad your life is back on track, Corinne, and hopefully you will hear from your BC nurse very soon Bernie. It must be nice to have a dedicated nurse, I’ve never had one at the Marsden but a nurse practitioner fields any queries to the Onc team. Xx

Hello all nodees!!

I’m also a day late with st David’s day… However it rained all day and has been snowing here this morning … Can you send some of your sun here!!

Bernie - I’d be ringing them by now, you have a lot more patience than I do!!

Stillhere - hope you all goes ok tomorrow and they don’t keep you waiting for ages…

I’ve never had either a bcn or a nurse practitioner, doesn’t sound like I’m missing out on anything tho… Tbh I haven’t even got a telephone number to ring directly either…

Take care nodees, have a god few days…

C xx

Oh Bernie, your hospital/bcn sounds as useless as mine… Doesn’t give you any confidence does it… If they can’t even remember to ring you or send a letter… I hope she now makes it a priority to sort an appt out for you… Least she can do…

back at wrk today, was nice to catch up… And had a letter from hospital, my nxt appt is 29/5… So now it’s waiting, no chemo, no scans…

C xxx

Hallo to the Nodies! Been off the forum for a while, had a good clinic appointment on Tuesday with positive chats with the lovely Marsden docs and another 2 months supply of Capecitabine. I can relax until the end of April, phew and feel very well.
It makes posting here quite difficult because so many ladies on other threads are having hard times to get through, I feel guilty which is silly, I know. To everyone who needs them, massive cyber hugs,I’m thinking of you xxoxxx

Hi all nodies

Noticed there hasn’t been any updates on here for a while…

Stillhere… Glad yr appt was good, nice not to have appts for a while… I understand exactly what you mean about feeling silly… And I also send good wishes and cyber hugs to anyone on this site that needs them… They will find the right people… It’s a shame that there is not a spectific section for nodes/regional reoccurances…

Bernie… Haven’t heard from you for a while, hope u have had your appt with the onc and that all is good… xxx

Take care everyone…

C … xxxx

Hi Bernie, I would love to have a break from treatment so hope that you are feeling positive about a 2 month respite. I find it difficult to remember who has had what treatment but I’ve had 2 types of IV chemo and there are so many to choose from. I hope your Onc will keep trying them if you do need them in the future. Don’t forget us on the Nodie thread!! Xxxx

Hi nodies

Sorry haven’t been on forum for a while…

Bernie - just saw your up date… I’m so sorry the onc didn’t have better news… Here’s hoping that he’s wrong and that this beast keeps away for a long long time… Hope you can put it to the back of your mind for the time being and enjoy having a break from treatment and all the horrid side effects… Sending you cyber hugs…

Hope you enjoyed Ireland, my family originate from county cork, tho I’ve never been - On my to do list…

Bernie… I’m still abit of a technophobe but am on FB, how do I add you as a friend?

Stillhere - hope you are doing well?

I’m returning to work tomorrow, first time in six mths. Slightly nervous… Can’t stand all the sympathetic looks… Tho I know people mean well…

Thinking of everyone…

Take care… C xx

Hi all

Hope everyone is well…

Well here I go again… I have now found two swollen lymph nodes under my arm on the GOOD side, so it appears to be spreading again… Feels like I’ve only just finished one round of hospital visits and it starts again… Only prob is this time I’m actually too scared to ring the Hosp to go and get tested… All that prodding , scans, fear!!! Only been 9 weeks since my last all clear scan!!
I’m just crying all the time now!!
So sorry, I know there are ladies on here that are dealing with and had dealt with so much more than me… I’m just not strong!! And not ready to leave my boys yet who are only 10 & 9…
Corinne… :cry:

bumpkin… Thanks for the reply and the encouragement… I know it has to be done… Suppose I just need that kick!!! Just the thought of the merry-go-round again fills me with dread… And picking up the phone is hard!
Thanks again, C xxx

Call made… Gone into serious panic mode now… :frowning:
Not sure how I’m going to get thru the day

C xx


Thank you sooo much for replying… U are really helping me to deal with this…

I’ve just had a callback… They skipping the bcn/surgeon and sending me straight to the oncologist… I have an appt with him on Friday at 12:30… This in itself scares me, why straight to oncology!! As you can see I over analyse everything!!!

At the mo I’ve just popped some of my old diazapam (sp?)…
I’m off wrk today. I’m a shift worker, not due back at wrk now until Saturday early shift… Not sure if that’s s good thing or a bad thing!!! Just sitting on settee panicking at mo!!! Think I’ll have a coffee, then take your advice and spring clean my house!!!

Thank you again… I know there are ladies on here that cope with more issues than I have… Wishing everyone all the best…

C xxx

Thanks bumpkin… I’ll keep you updated…

Good luck with the gardening… But take care off yourself… The garden will always need doing… Your health is far more important… Be kind to yourself… Maybe just sit in the garden with a nice cold drink???

All th best… C xxx

From one Nodee lady, glad that you are getting yourself checked out, Orse. It might be insignificant but tests are necessary and going direct to the Oncologist makes sense. Just force your brain to think about one day at a time, otherwise these lovely sunny days are wasted!! I have scans tomorrow and my lovely hubby is away on a boy’s break, eek, but nothing is going to spoil my happy day meeting my son for lunch and tea in the garden with my godmother. Thinking of you this week xxxx ps is Orse your horse??!

Hi Stillhere,

Thanks for the reply… Tbh I’m trying not to think about it until I need to now… The calls been made so just a case of waiting… I know I can’t change anything… It’s just hard when I’m at home alone all day and when Ive put the kids to bed at night… My mind takes over!!
Sending you good wishes, luck and more for your scan tomorrow… You are so brave going on your own… I have too drag my ex husband with me, luckily we are still best mates!!

Lol, I don’t have a horse… It’s an old family nickname, my mom put my hair into a French platt when I was a little girl and my brother asked why she had made me look like a horse… It just stuck… 40 years later and I’m still called it!!

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, everything’s x’d… Corinne xxx

Hallo Orse, Lol to your nickname!! Scans all done so the wait begins for result in 7 days, no I’m not brave at all, hubby has to come for results day. Even then I get the shakes, hopeless. I’m so glad your ex is supporting you, I think it must be so hard to have to deal with it solo. Sending good vibes ((((( ))))))

Hi Stillhere… Glad your scans now done… Not so glad you in the waiting room once more… Absolutely hate that part!!! As I’m sure we all do… Never used to be scared…

My appt tomorrow and although I know he won’t be able to confirm definitely either way I’m so anxious about it!!! Keep on having to run to the loo.?. And of course I’ve had no sleep or food!!!
Hate this disease, has made me into a neurotic woman… Used to be confident and out going… :-/
Hugs and loads of luck to all…

Corinne… Xxx

Bumpkin… What can I say, that was a lovely, lovely post… your kindness and beauty shows in your words… Thank you so much…, xxx

I have decided no matter what happens tomorrow I will face it and create a happy childhood for my boys… They have had so much c••p to face this last couple of yrs, with my illness, losing my parents, their paternal grandparents., and myself and husband splitting up… It was one thing after another for a while there?
I’ve gone and rented a villa in Crete in August, and come what may I will be going and will have a brill time… My ex has agreed to come as well!! So to the boys it will be a real holiday to remember…

After school run tomorrow I will shower and put on my war paint… Deal with whatever… You ladies are so strong and I believe it’s catching!!!
Thanks again… And good wishes to everyone on this forum…
Corinne xxx
Ps bumpkin, I managed to eat some beef goulash with the boys tonight - couldn’t manage any wine tho ??

Hi bumpkin … Saw onc and as I thought he has referred me for an ultrasound… He kept saying doesn’t think is anything as in 40 years of treating bc he has never see it go to the nodes in the opposite side - which I have knowledge of from this site and others!! He told me I had to stop listening to everyone else with bc this was my own story and would be different… So I’m no further forward and have been well and truly told off!!!

See what happens when the appt comes thru for ultrasound…

Hope you are well…
C xx

So glad that your Onc was positive and that nodes on the opposite side are not usual.This must be a relief although he is following up with an ultrasound, to be certain. Hope that you are able to have an enjoyable weekend with your children. Best wishes xxx