mets to supraclavicle node

Bumpkin, Stillhere

Thank you both for replying and good wishes…

I am slightly relieved but as you say bumpkin I need the ultrasound for complete peace of mind…

Didn’t like being told off either tho (who does!!) I wasn’t even quoting anything, just asked if they ran ‘mindful’ courses at Stafford - they run them at Wolverhampton Hosp where my friend goes and it teaches you coping strategies for dealing with cancer diagnoses of all types not just bc… She reckons they really good and I wanted to go on one!! Still he is normally ok so maybe had just had a really bad day, I wouldn’t want to do their job for all the tea in China…

Bumpkin I too hate the ‘journey’, ‘battle’ ‘brave’ tags that everyone likes to apply…

I’m at work over the weekend so gives me less time to think… I hope everyone else is doing okay…

Hope everyone has a good weekend…
C xx

Hi ladies

Bugger, bugger!!! Got out of the shower last nite and noticed I have quite a large purplish rash all over the lower part of my reconstructed breast… Loads of little lumps in it… Appears to have come on just yesterday… Wasn’t there when saw onco!!! Bugger!!

Of course I’m thinking skin mets… Anyone have any experience?

Back to the scared feeling…

I’m sorry to keep posting on here, but I have no close family left… My dad died, mom dementia… And most friends disappeared on primary diagnoses… Even think my ex has had enough…
C xx ???

Hi bumpkin and stresshead

Stresshead - it does sound like we are in the same horrible position… Pls you must get someone to go with you, a close friend you can trust? You can’t face this alone… And you aren’t ruining your families life, your daughter and husband want to be there for you. My dad was really ill and I went with him to his appts, went every visiting time - it made us strong as a father and daughter (my mom has dementia and has virtually no mental abilities now)… I can honestly say I told my dad so many times that I loved him so in away his illness made us sooooo close… He’s in a better place now and I miss him every single day, but those memories we made are irreplaceable…

I do know what you mean tho, I look at my boys and think that I gave totally ruined their childhood, don’t think they will even remember me pre cancer. They were 4 and 5 at time of primary!.. Tbh I sometimes wonder if they will remember anyway, only 8 & 10 now (not having a good day!!)) But I try and create lovely memories and take loads of photos…

Bumpkin - thank you so much for your replies and encouragement… I don’t think I would have kept going but for your solid advice… I just have this feeling as we all do… Add the two things together , my swollen nodes and now the rash … Seems to me will be all connected… Too much of a coincidence not to be… I hope I will feel better when I know what they intend to do… Just haven’t got much confidence in oncology at hospital… If u saw my opening post on that farce!!!

Stresshead … I wish you all the best for tomorrow, I will be thinking of you … Loads of cyber hugs…,

Bumpkin…?hope your doing ok? No appts or scans? And that your meds are working well…,

C xx

Morning Corinne. I’nm so sorry to hear you sound so distressed. I have had skin mets and mine were quite different from what you describe. Like Bumpkin I had small lumps that came up gradually. I had mine in September 2012. I was treated with Cape and , to date, they haven’t returned. Please try not to worry too much, if you do have skin mets there are lots off treatments available.
I do hope that you get some answers soon.
Sending lots of love and hugs to you. Steph xxx

Stresshead, just wanted to say am thinking of you today as you go for your results. I do hope that there is another explanation for your rash.
Take care. Lots of love Steph x

Stresshead… Just to say I’ll be thinking of you today and hope the news isn’t as bad as you think… Loads of hugs…

C xx

Stresshead – I am so sorry to hear your news… I can only reiterate what Barton has said about waiting for your appt with your oncologist, I’m sure there will be a treatment plan for you… It must be so hard to have to tell your family, but I’m sure they will give you all the support possible when they know… I can only wish you all the luck in the world… Try not to worry too much - like you I wish I could take my own advice…


C xx

Stressed, I am so, so sorry to hear your news. Is there anyone you feel you can talk to? Please share your burden, you can’t do this all by yourself. Good that you are seeing your onc on Thursday , I’m sure that he’ll have a treatment plan for you. I understand how difficult this in, particularly when you’ve only just finished treatment, but there will be options. Take care and hang in there.
Sending you lots of love. Do take care. Steph xxx

Big hugs stress head, can’t offer any better words than you have already had, but I’m thinking of you.

Had the results of my scan yesterday, my hilar lymph node has grown a bit from virtually NED but still smaller than before I started Cape so I’m staying on it for the next four months at least. I will have been on it for nearly 26 months by end august, I’ve been very lucky. Good luck to anyone waiting for news xx

Bumkin - still not heard from the hospital with a date yet… I haven’t told them abou the rash didn’t see point until I go can get them to look at the same time… Hate waiting!!

Stillhere… I’m sorry your node has grown… Glad cape seems to be slowing growth… If that makes sense…
C xx

Stresshead - not sure if you are checking forum…but I just wanted to wish you all the best for your appt with your oncologist today and that they come up with a really good, doable plan for you…

Hope you have someone who is going with you to hold you hand… If you haven’t yet managed to tell your family then pls imagine me holding your hand whilst you face this…

Thinking of you, loads of hugs…

C xx

Stresshead, just want to echo what Orse has said and wish you all the very best with your appointment today. I hope that you come away with a treatment plan that goes someway to reassuring you. We are all behind you. Do take care. Love S xxxx

Hi ladies

My Hosp appt come thru ultrasound on Wednesday…

Scared… :frowning:
C xx

Hi ladies…i now seem to be posting the same things on about 4 threads so will now use bone and skin mets ones…hope you look in and let me know your progress x

Hi Corinne. I do understand how scary it is, but it’s good news to have an appointment so soon. For me, the not knowing is always the worse. I’m sure that you will feel better once you know the next step. I do hope so! I’m thinking of you and wishing you well. Love Steph xxx

Morning Orse. Just to say that I hope your appointment goes well today xxxx

Thanks Steph… Tbh I’m so scared… :frowning: at wrk at mo trying to take my mind off it!!! At least it stops me crying as in company… ?

C xx

Corinne, I know how you feel, I too try to keep busy at work and keep my mind elsewhere! Is someone going to your appointment with you? I do hope that you get good news and some reassurance. I think that all the waiting is the worst. Take care of yourself. Xxxxx


Well that’s it… Ultrasound biopsy done but radiographer says is defo cancer mets… Bcn and doc where too busy to come and look at my rash… But I think it’s a no brainer!!!
C xx

Hi Corinne, I, too, am so sorry to hear your news. I hope that you have an appointment to discuss a treatment plan soon. There are lots of options and I’m sure that they will find one that is effective for you. Take care, am thinking of you . S xxxx