mets to supraclavicle node

Hi Steph

Thanks… Another stressful day in front of me… As many others on here face… You’d think we would get used to then eventfully!!!

C xx

Thinking of you today, I’ve never thought it gets any easier! I’ve had BC on and off for 20 years and I’m still petrified of appointments…hope that it all goes well and your questions are answered xxx

Hi ladies

Oncologist appt today and I’ve have the biggest body blow since my dad died!!

Oncologist number 5 is good, very good - I have loads of confidence in her… She read my notes then asked questions…
First question was why where you taken of Cape? Me: because the last oncologist said I was ned only one slightly enlarged lymph node which was clinically insignificantly and I was not cured but back in the waiting area…with a high chance ned for a while.
No she says , the last scan show progression in your nodes, several nodes in fact incl cervical nodes, medinsal(sp) She actually showed me the radiographer a report detailing progression where and how and also showed me the scan pictures…
What the hell was the last oncologist doing then ??? She stated she had absolutely no idea!!! This beast has been traveling around me for over three mths without being checked or treated because an oncologist didn’t do his job or doesn’t understand his job…

She is arranging for an urgent ct scan to see if further spread, bone scan as something in my blood relating to bones is high… And an urgent biopsy (tomorrow if fact) on the rash on my breast… She states the beast looks really agressive… And is not operable…
pre chemo assessment on Friday and start Eribulin on Tuesday…

And I now feel like I have only mths to live… Mainly cos a oncologist can’t do his job!!!

I’m sorry ladies, but I’ve just hit rock bottom!!!

Any advice on how to deal with this?

Corinne xx

Hi Corinne, I’m so sorry, what a shock for you. However, you now how an oncologist who you have confidence in. I hope that she’s a permanent member of staff. It sounds as if she is very proactive and thorough - so, she will make sure you have the best treatment plan for you. Try to focus on this and not the incompetence of the previous oncologist. I am thinking of you. Sending lots of love. Stephxxx

Hi ladies

Thanks for your replies…

Saw my bc surgeon today… He says my skin mets are operable… Good news at least!!! But they just want to wait as skin mets are a very visible indication of how chemo is working… My breast is very sore after the biopsy… Also maybe able to take to out other infected nodes … So it is now all dependant on how the chemo does… Bring it on now and let’s hope it kills all the little buggers…

He says they have already had a multidisciplinary meeting about me… Vast improvement in treatment… Happy with it at last ??

Tho tbh I still so angry with my previous oncologist… I just can’t understand how he can be so incompetent as not to act on a radiographers report which specifically states there has been progression and not tell me or treat me… Why did I have the ct scan in the first place!!!

Wishing everyone all the best…

Corinne xx

Hi ladies

Another development in my treatment…

I’ve been refused eribulin now as I’ve only had cape as a first line treatment…
Oncologist has just rung me and stated that I’m now going to be starting carboplatin as a sole chemo agent… Ive heard of carbolatin and Gemzar being used combined but never separately…
Has anyone been on just carbolatin? Any idea what se’s I’m to expect… Or has anyone heard of it just being used on its own??
Getting sacred again as my treatment always seems to change…
The onc is coming to see me at the Hosp tomorrow but I could do with some help as to questions to ask…

Sorry ladies, I always seems to be picking your brains at the moment!!!

Corinne … Xx

Hi ladies

Just been to see oncologist… She has put me on carboplatin / gemzar.,

But then said my life expectancy is 2 years… If I’m lucky!!! I’m in bits… Two young boys aged 11 & 9…
In total shock!!
C xx

Hi Corinne. Sorry, I have no knowledge/experience ofCarboplatin. Hope your oncologist has answered your questions and given you some reassurance. Although eribulin has been refused at this point I assume it can be kept in reserve should you need it in the future. Take care and I hope carboplatin is effective but kind to you. Love Steph xxxx

Hi Corinne, I’ve read your post on bone mets thread. I hope Gemzar is ‘doing its stuff’ - I like your analogy! It sounds as if your fighting spirit has returned, I’m so pleased. The best advice I’ve received from a doctor friend was not to listen to a prognosis, the stats are based on figures that are way out of date. I understand your shock, but try not to listen. Wishing you well with your chemo. Hope side effects are manageable . Take care. Love Steph xxxx

Hi ladies

Thanks for all your kind words…

All I can say right now tho is those aliens are getting well and truly zapped…think I have been on the toilet most of the night!!!
Call in morning to ward for more anti diarrhoea tablets!!!
Hope this is just because it’s the first round!! Wasn’t this bad on fec or Cape!!!

Hope every one else’s se ok!!

Gonna go the toilet calling again., lol…
C xx


Will we go thru this together, hold virtual hands, give cuber hugs when needed… fight this blighter with every little bit of strength we have…

I might have spent the last 24 hrs on the loo, but it means I have that extra time with my boys…

I asked for a referral to the Christie, and gonna make sure they answer my questions… I will be scared of the answers but knowledge is power…as they say…

Here’s to the fight…, and creating the happy memories for our families…

C xx