Mets to ureter & hydronephrosis

Hello everyone

I haven’t been here for 8 years but was diagnosed with mets on my ureter which is causing my kidney to swell as urine can’t drain to bladder. I’m awaiting a stent. Has anyone had similar? What treatments did you have? Would be so grateful for any responses - tY xx

Hello Maria
Welcome to our family but I’m afraid I don’t have any answers but please join in with the secondary forum …book clubs games etc etc where you will feel a little focus away from the c word.
Carolyn xxxx

Hi Maria,


like Carolyn, I havent had experience of ureteral  mets, sorry.but im sure once the stent is in, they will decide which path to choose.


you could have a chat to the helpline as well…they are usually very helpful and sometimes can pair you with a volunteer who has had similar probs. When I was looking at a recon for my breat, they put me. In touch with a lady who had had one herself…I found that very helpfulxx


Best wishes,



Hi MariaG and welcome to the secondaries part of the forum.

I must admit in the 8 or so years I have been on here, with secondaries, I have not come across anyone with mets where you say yours are.  Therefore you may not get anyone offering specific advice. However I assume, once the stent is in, you will be on a treatment plan, or change your current treatment? If so we have a lot of experience and advice to offer regarding side effects etc of the various treatments so do ask away, I’m sure someone will be able to help. As Moijan has said, maybe phone the helpline, they might be able to be more specific regarding your mets.  Good luck with the stent and hope it helps straight away.

Nicky x

Hi Maria G, again i cant help with your specific problem but jst wanted to say welcome…sorry you have had to join us. I’m sure someone will be along soon to offer you some help. x

Hi Maria,


just tripped over this trial…it in the usa, but sometimes one might be able to join inat a distance, but even if not, you could contact the team there and see what info they have on treaments?




let us know if you get any help from the infoxx






Hi Maria,
My mum has inflammatory bc but recently has had lymph nodes on both her ureters causing the acute renal failure. She had stents and a nephrostomy drain which relieved the pressure on the kidneys and they are now able to function.
She also had to have IV antibiotics as she had kidney infections.

Hi Maria,


My mum was diagnosed 6 years ago with secondary BC & bone mets. Her recent scan showed the kidney wasn’t draining properly and it turns out that tumours in her pelvis were occluding the ureter. She had a stent last Friday, although currently has a nephrostomy too as the kidney was bleeding following the procedure (she’s also taking some anticoagulants since a cardiac stent earlier this year). At the moment we’re unsure if the stent has been successful or not as she needs to have a further scan, and communication between urology, radiology & oncology is lacking a bit at present. She feels pretty good in herself though and fingers crossed if it’s succesful witll be able to restart the oral chemo tablets she was taking (I can’t remember which - sorry!)


I hope it helps that ou’re not the only one, and good luck with your procedure!

