Miaow from a Scaredy Cat

Not posted in a long time so a big ‘hi’ to anyone who remembers me.

Was diagnosed nearly 4 yrs ago. Had WLE, SNB and rads, (triple neg so nowt else,) and have been sailing along nicely til recently. 6 months ago I became aware of a ‘thickened’ area in the BC breast…had all the tests, mammo, ultrasound, 2 x biopsies but was told nothing suspicious found. My next check up is this coming Friday (9th). About 6 weeks ago I noticed a strange lump in my arm…just above the elbow on the inside. Grape-size and very hard. Thought I’d leave it and mention it at my forthcoming check-up. Then a few days ago I started having a poke around, (as you do!) and eeek noticed a definite saucer-shaped lump within the thickened area. Am now in deffo ‘scaredy-cat’ mode! Dunno why I’m posting this really…except that I haven’t been able to share my worries with anyone this time. The 2 mates that I would normally whinge at both have loads of stuff going on in their lives and I don’t wanna add to it. My main worry is that my original BC seemed to spring from another ‘thickened’ area and so I am dreading having a similar result from this one. Has anyone else had anything like this, (i.e. BC being diagnosed from what was originally just a benign thickened area??

Hi Allexie that sounds really scary-its a good thing your appointment is so soon.I am triple neg too just coming up to 3 yrs post dx.I think this 3 to 5 yr period is terrifying actually.Remember there is every chance that this is nothing to worry about especially as you had mammo,biopsies etc so recently.I doubt if the lump on your arm is connected,it doesnt sound typical at all.But no one can know until you have it looked at.Just want you to know that I am here extending a cyber hand to hold.Do let us know how Friday goes.
Love Valxx

Hi Allexie

Welcome back to the forums, I’m sure you’ll get lots of support here. If you need someone to talk to in confidence then please do phone the helpline and have a chat with one of the nurses here. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000, lines open M-F 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Thanks horace and Jo(BCC).

It really helps to not feel so alone with this. I hate wishing my life away but I will be soooo glad when Friday is over! No doubt it will be inconclusive and mean more tests and more waiting (sigh!). Hey ho…such is life with BC.

Alex X