Mid chemo MRI

Hi everyone,

I’ve just returned from my mid chemo MRI and feel so cheesed off.

The lump has shrunk by only 2mm after 4 rounds of EC but there is some shadowing….whatever that means. Anyone else experienced this? Is this positive?
I’m now going onto Paclitaxol and CA. Has anyone had more success with this combo pls?

This is all such hard work isn’t it? At least we can support and understand how it all feels

thank you


As ultrasonic beams propagate through tissues, there is a loss of energy by absorption, reflection and scattering. This loss is displayed in the image as shadowing. It is most likely to be associated with low grade to intermediate grade breast tumors. So having it appear might be a lucky thing? Like maybe some of the tumor is dying off somewhat, becoming less dense as a result? Pure speculation on my part though. Definitely a question for your doctor.