Migraine type aura

Hello you beautiful
People 🩷 I’m
Just wondering does anyone get an aura and sight loss like the start of a migraine when they have their piriton and steroid iv before paclitaxel it lasts about 15-20 mins and I get a dull headache. It’s probably just me but thought it was worth an ask
Have a lovely day and keep smiling :blush: xxx

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Welcome to the forum @loobylou1

I’m sorry you find yourself here, but glad you’ve reached out. The forum is a wonderful, supportive place and I’m sure someone will be able to share their experience with you.

Have you spoken to one of our specialist nurses before? They’re here to support you with clinical questions or for a chat. You can get in touch with them here on the forum on the Ask our Nurses your questions board or on our helpline 0808 800 6000 which is open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm and 9am-1pm Saturday.

Sending our warmest,

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I didn’t get it during actual treatment, but I did get visual auras whilst on paclitaxel. I do suffer from migraines, but never get visual auras so it was definitely chemo related. I got like an inverted C shape of zigzags and a blind spot, very odd. I also got tender temples :woman_shrugging: My oncologist said it was probably nerve related. I am 6 weeks post treatment now and haven’t had an aura for about 4 weeks now so hopefully they’re gone!

Best of luck with your treatment :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for replying, yes it’s exactly the same I suffer with migraines but never have the auras so it sounds the same . Thank you so much
Take care
Lots of love :ribbon: xxx

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