Migraines on Chemo

I have never suffered with migraine in my life. But yesterday i did for the first time,well i think it was a migraine, i had this “aura” and horrible headache although i was lucky it only lasted a couple of hours.

I had my 3rd taxotere last wedendesday.

Has anyone else experienced migraine after chemo?

Hi Sue,

If youd asked me yesterday I would have said “no”, but just this evening I had the aura you describe, where you cant see anything, a bit tunnel vision-ish and a fuzzy pattern all around. I just turned the lights down and rested and it went after about half an hour.
Interestingly, I had my 3rd Tax last week too - dont know if its related or not?

Hope it doesnt happen to you again - we’ve got enough to be getting on with!

K x

Gosh thats a bit creepy you having one too.

Fortunately i haven’t had another and think it was due to tiredness. Anyway lets hope that is it for now for both of us!

I had a crazy one with FEC and then the pharmacist gave me something called syndol its an over the counter and its amazing so i made sure of taking 2 before each chemo n thank god it worked amazingly kept it away… good luck x

yes, me too. First one after first AC and then had a couple more.

Had another last week, altho finished chemo now but had none in between. Mine seem to be triggered by light. e.g. sitting facing the window on a bright day. Headache goes when aura gone so I didn’t need any medication.

I remember having these as a teenager.

Hope you don’t have any more.

