hi everyone,just wandering if anyone has been misdiagnosed as having a fibroadenoma but later found out it was cancer?thanks
Hi, there
I am not certain, but I think a lady who writes under the name Molennium on this forum has had this problem. You could send her a Private message?
I was misdiagnosed - someone said it was a fibroadenoma but on the pathology report it says it was sclerosing adenosis whatever that is. Fibroadenomas aren’t very common after aged 40 but the surgeon who took it out said it was one, obviously she hadn’t read my notes. It turned out to be cancer, infiltrating ductal carcinoma plus focal dcis, ductal carcinoma in situ
I was pretty pissed off as by the time I received the diagnosis it was six months after finding the lump, and it took five months for me to have the lump removed. Luckily it was low grade cancer, my lymph nodes were clear, and the treatment (segmental mastectomy) would have been the same if I’d found it earlier. My anxiety levels would have been a lot lower though, at least that’s what I believe now.
Can’t prove it though
Dear Kwood77,
I was misdiagnosed with two fibroadenomas in 2002 but found out in 2003 that the two lumps were both grade 3 tumours. I raised an action against the NHS trust concerned who eventually settled with me out of court.
Please feel free to contact me on this thread or on private messaging.
With very best wishes,
i was told i had a cyst , year and a half later still not happy went back and was dx wid invasive lobular . then when they operated they totally missed it by operating in the wrong place ! hence another op , chemo etc .
I was told I could have the lump removed, in fact the first consultant I saw advised me to have it taken out in view of my age (I was 47 when I found it). However, she went sick the day I went to get the operation date, and the registrar said I would go on a waiting list. I was really cross about this as by now it was late August, and I’d found the lump in June. I finally had it removed on 10 November, and was diagnosed with cancer on 5 December, Another operation followed on 19 December, followed by a wound infection whhich put me in hospital on christmas eve. So I would have preferred a more prompt diagnosis, and treatment
I was diagnosed with a fibroadenoma measuring 46mm in Sept 2006. I had the triple assessment and the surgeon took loads of samples as he was not entirely certain what it was (my GP said mastitis and the first surgeon I saw said a cyst, but it was a solid mass). I went back to the clinic the following week and the surgeon told me and my OH it was good news, not cancer and asked what I wanted to do about the lump. I’d already decided when I was referred I wanted it removed and the surgeon said he thought that was for the best in case it got any bigger. I had it removed as a day patient 3 weeks later.
When I went back a week after the surgery I went in on my own and sent my OH for coffee as the waiting room was busy. However, there was something about the surgeon’s demeanour and he said he would have a word with me when I got dressed - he also had a breast care nurse with him. When I sat down he just looked at me and said “well, it’s a good job this lump came out as we found a very aggressive cancer”. The nurse had to go an find my OH. As it turned out, there was a 33mm grade 3 tumour hiding underneath which would not have been detected by any of the standard tests. I had lymph node clearance 3 weeks later (it was in 1 out of 22) and found out I was Her2+.
At the time I was told, all I could think of to say was “oh, I didn’t expect to hear that today”. I was going on holiday 6 days later and cancelled it as I couldn’t face the thought of being on holiday in the knowledge I had BC. I finished my Herceptin 4 weeks ago and am rebuilding my life now. A lot of people thought it was negligence on the part of the clinic that it wasn’t picked up, but I know an eminent oncology Professor who told me it sometimes happens like this. I went back to see the surgeon the following week after diagnosis as he needed to know I trusted him enough to do the next surgery.
Dear kwood77,
I need to make clear that my misdiagnosis was due to the a foolish young doctor not carrying out all the three parts of the triple assessment. No biopsy or fine needle aspiration was carried out even though a palpable lump was present.
Can I ask you why did you ask the question?
Best wishes,
New at commenting in this forum. Newly diagnosed as having a fibradenoma (age 55) after having a needle core biopsy. Everything I’ve read says it would be something other than a fibroadenoma at this age…please give me insight if you’ve experienced this in late age as well. What was your decision and how are you doing now?
My question, as well,…
Yes 2013 had a mass removed from my left breast they said it wasn’t cancer.18 months later I have stage 4 breast and lung cancer non curable. I Have had a double mastectomy and 20 lympnode removed and 10 were cancerous
I am so scared Coz l have only just learned that l have fibroadenoma’s Lumps in the left & right breast. But the doctors have bin more focused on the right breast. When l try to tell them about my left breast - Which has bin giving me the most trouble. Such as the skin changes,and had like a tumour like growth on the nipple mixed with all the classic signs & symptoms - the doctors are not actually listening to what l am telling them. Which is very very frustrating & worrying. I am honesty scared stiff.
Read all the stories on this site. Can cancer lumps be mistaken for fibroadenoma lumps.
I can feel my lump, it never moves and it stays there all the time. I get the odd twinge of pain from
Time to time… Put most of the time it seems fine. There is defiantly a lot of skin changes. Had a blood coming from both my breasts. I am scared stiff.I am going to book an appointment with my gp to see if they can get therm to check both breast.
They don’t feel normal.far from it. When the doctor told me it was fibroadenoma. He said it it had to be taken out but he didn’t tell me anything about fibroadenoma so l have heaps of questions unanswered. I am honesty scared stiff. Is fibroadenomaa good or bad thing ??
Absolutely worried sick went for mamagram and scan last week to be told they had found 2 suspicious dense sites one 30 MM and 5 MM they took core biopsys and found 3 abnormal lymph nodes the consultant called me into the room and said he was really sorry but that they believe I have breast cancer and to come back in a weeks time to find out what stage I’m at and treatment I went completely into shock and couldn’t believe this was happening at the time the samples was being taken the doctor said she was struggling to get samples as I have very little breast tissue and that her hands was slipping due to being hot this didn’t register with me at the time , however my husband and me went back to hospital yesterday and the consultant said I’m really sorry I think we made a mistake your biopsy is benign he said by what he had seen on the mamagram and scan that it was cancer but the results are different he said he would call me back in a week to do more biopsys to be safe we practically ran out the room , but when I got home things just didn’t feel right , how can they say there was 3 abnormal nodes under my arm and 2 masses in my breast to then suddenly be fine and I’m worrying that the correct samples wasn’t taken like she said “she hoped she got the right sample” i don’t want to have cancer but I don’t want to be fobbed off I was the lumps removing and then testing benign or not I want them out!!! I can’t believe the amount of scare stories like mine where months down the line it turns out it was cancer after all and my belief is that once they start prodding inside it can disturb cancer too !! I’v just lost my dad to cancer and this has messed my head up advice please ???
Hi Deb, Its no wonder you have no idea what is going on , what a muddle! Things like this do happen unfortunately and if the results defy what the imagining is telling them then they will investigate further and an MRI is more detalied so will hopefully show up whats going on, none of this is helping your stress levels though when all you want is an answer, of course you can request to change hospitals but it may be best to just get your tests over with now and know for certain what is going on instead of delaying by changing, call the Breast clinic and ask to speak to a Breast Care Nurse or if you can go back in so it can be explained properly to you, there is a good chance you dont have cancer so try and hang on to that thought! Xx Jo
Hi everyone well I was finally diagnosed with invasive tubular breast cancer and had my operation 2 weeks ago a lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed the plan of action now is 6 weeks of radiotherapy daily and tamoxifen for 10 years went back to the hospital for results from lymph nodes it hasn’t spread thank god but they said they found a new tumour growing but not to worry they got it out !!! Stressed as I feel they are missing something in my right breast too as I can still feel the lump and my lymph nodes are up under that arm iv now addressed my concerns at the hospital about the length of time it took to diagnose me and how it was handled and they have changed my consultant and re-doing the tests on right breast xx