Hi All, I’m not familiar with Forums so have come in on the Horome Therapy link as I understand that will be a planned step for me. The story so far:
I am 52 years old and have been in excellent health all my life. My last trip to hospital was when my daughter was born 27 years ago. I left the hospital the following day having had no gas and air, no stitches, nothing. I’m rarely ill. In December 2011 I had my first Mammogram which was an excrutiatingly painful experience and I have reservations over its possible instigation of certain breast problems.
I visited my GP in August this year when I noticed a shaded lump at the top of the right breast. I was alarmed as it appeared to have a dimple on it and I knew what that meant by way of press articles on health.
My GP (who I’d not met before and have lived in this area for 15 years) prodded the lump and said: ‘‘Mmm - I don’t know what that is but it is outside the breast quarterings and doesn’t seem significant. I will have you referred but it is probably only a lipoma.’’
On the 20 October I attend the Orthopaedic Department at the local hospital only to be told by a puzzled doctor, he didn’t know why I was there as I should be in the Primrose Breast Clinic. He immediately reached for the phone and I was seen by the doctor in Primrose three days later, who carried out a scan and a biopsy, to advise me it was a tumour - hopefully at Stage 1 but possibly Stage 2. I then was taken in to chat with the Breast Nurse who said: ‘Ýou will have a Lumpectomy followed by Radiotherapy and that will be that. All very straightforward.’’
I attend the hospital on 23 November for the Lumpectomy following all the radioactive dye injection process. I came around to find a very neat incision but no Axillary node clearance. I was pretty happy.
At the results ‘horoscope’ reading with the Breast Surgeon I am then told a tiny amount of cancer cells were found in the Sentinel Node so I go back in again for the Axillary Node operation on 4 January. I am frankly dreading a second operation. I was very sick after the general anaestetic and collapsed on the kitchen floor at home 48 hours after the operation. Not a condition I’m used to. However, it seems there is little choice.
Some good news (apparently) and I hope some control over my treatment choices for the future. I have tested positive for the Hormone Receptors so am able to take a range of treatments. My appointment to discuss those options has not yet arrived. That said, at the ‘horoscope’ reading with the Breast Surgeon she mentioned the ‘‘Chemo’’ word and having seen work colleagues and neighbours pass away in a terrible state after having the Chemo ‘‘treatment’’ I’ve always sworn I would not put myself - or my loved ones through that emotional torture. I also work full time and am the breadwinner so cannot put myself through some eight months of vomiting.
So it seems the ‘‘straightfoward’’ radiotherapy following the Lumpectomy is now on hold until the Axillary clearance is out the way and all has healed. In the meantime I am trying to find out more about various Hormone therapies - which according to the Surgeon, I will be offered.
Apologies if this trail of information is in the wrong thread/area. I assume the Moderators may be able to put it where it should be?