I have just taken 8mg Dexamethasone ready for 1st Tax tomorrow. I just read the bottle and I was supposed to take a dose this morning but I missed it!! do you think it matters? - Feel like such a dufus!!! - wonder if I can blame chemo brain?
I remember someone I know treated at the Marsden who got it wrong with the dex/tax and I think the chemo nurses added it into the intravenous cocktail so I would just make sure you tell them tomorrow and let them decide. I don’t think it is too serious.
I suppose you could take them and risk being awake all night.I know at mine they cancel if you miss taking them
I was told by the chemo nurses that if by any chance I forgot the dex to let them know and they would add it to the intravenous cocktails.
Like others I would defo let them know, I think that with Tax. in particular that it’s v important that you have taken the steroids. I had to sign a form to say that I had taken them prior to each cycle.
Becks xxx
Hi eal69eal
I have my first tax tomorrow too but I managed to remember to take 4 this morning at 7 then 4 more this afternoon at 2.30. I distinctly remember my chemo nurse saying that I must have taken the full dose before they would administer it.
I tend to write everything on my big calendar from docs and onc appts to when the window cleaner is due and when the recycling bins need taking out - chemo brain!!! I make sure I have alook at it every morning and night just to know whats what - last night I got my bloods sample bag out, put the dexamethasone on top of the microwave so I didn’t forget it. Its just a habit of being precision organised - my mates think I have OCD!!!
Maybe take the next dose later tonight but you do run the chance of not sleeping. If you can do this and catch up on your sleep tomorrow??
Hope everything goes well and let me know and we can compare side effects! - Are you on facebook breast buddies??? - if you are not I can private message you with my full name - we have quite a group going on there!
I have just painted my nails and toe nails BLACK - looks a right sight - 41 yr old goth!!! lol
Good luck and take care
hi there - as many people know i am not in England and they do it differently here - I have had 2 Taxotere and never been given anything to take beforehnad so I can only assume I have it in the coctail each time …
either that or the forgot to tell me something else … only joking! … well I hope so anyway … you never know!
let us know … I agree with the others - you ave to tell them
love FX xxx Good luck
Thanks guys for all your advice. Thanks especially to Dawnhc for your reassurance I’ve read your other threads and those on bcpals and know you have much experience in these things. I’m really embarassed to admit i’m actually a nurse!! and I still can’t get it right!!! - Thanks Anita for your advice about FB I’ve only just signed up for ‘normal’ facebook. I’ve never heard of breast buddies but I’ll log in this week and try and work it out. Good luck for your tax tomorrow too! - Not sure about black nail polish but I have painted clear polish on. Have pretty much decided to ditch cold cap as hair is sooooo thin last cycle my scalp was really sore for nearly 2 weeks but I don’t have any bald patches yet. I have been really lucky with my hair but the constant shedding is stressing me out but not sure if I have the guts to let the cc go and reach for the clippers when it all starts falling proper. oh and forgot to mention my eyebrows are on their way out and I haven’t even started Tax yet???
oh the joys!!
Just to let you know. It was fine, like you said they just added a bit into the pre-chemo cocktail.
Thanks for your advice