Mixed ductal and lobular

Has anyone else had their cancer described as mixed ductal and lobular. I think it means breast tissue too dense to be sure

Hi Butterfly

Whilst you await replies here’s a link to the BCC publication ‘Understanding your pathology’ which will help with your query:


Please also feel free to call our helpliners for any further information on 0808 800 6000, 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi butterfly I was originally diagnosed with grade 2 ductal then after surgery lumpectomy my path results were mixed and her2 positive so had chemotherapy/radiotherapy/herceptin which I have every 3weeks until January there was no spread to lymph nodes and clear margins love Judi

I had both too and on the letter I was given, it gives a size for each taken out with one WLE x

After my mastectomy they analysed what they had taken and told me my cancer was both ductal and lobular. My oncologist said it meant both lobes and ducts were infected.