No date yet! 2nd op on Thursday to have a cavity shaving then have to wait to heal so hopefully about 4 weeks after.
Gad it went well Thursday - 1 more thing out the way! Take it easy and don’t do too much! When are your results?
You are very lucky with all those sisters! Enjoy x
Hi Crystaltips, due to be absolutely choked with cold I couldn’t have op yesterday so rescheduled for next Thursday now!! At least I can drive for first few days of half term with kids!! Just have to get fighting fit and get psyched up again. I feel myself getting more anxious as the day for surgery approaches! Did you feel like that? How are you feeling? Hope you had a nice visit with your sister xx
Hi Crystaltips how are you? Had my cavity shave yesterday. Op at 3, home at 7 and a day of watching TV today!! The waiting begins again and I am just praying that I don’t need further surgery. Hope you are coping with the wait x
I am Crystaltips thank you. I don’t have a date for results yet but they said 2 weeks. I hate the build up to surgery then I hate the build up to results! It is all about waiting!!!
I will get my prayer mat out for you for Tuesday. Stay strong and positive xx
Think8ng of you today Crystal tips x
That is great news Crystal and I will keep my fingers crossed and prayers going that you don’t need chemo.
No not got My apt for follow up after last week’s op yet. I am praying that they got clear margins and I can get on with radium.
It’s almost like we spend our time holding our breath waiting for results and then getting ready for whatever comes next!!
So glad it was positive for you today. Breathe out and relax a little ready for whatever is next. Hugs xxx
Hi Crystal, I am ok thanks but with the usual nerves before going for results!! The healing has been good and quicker this time so that’s good too. I will let you know what they say.
How are you doing? Is it your results on Thursday? How are you feeling?
Hi Crystal and Schumi,
I got good news today. All the DCIS has gone and they got clear margins. No invasion was found. Phew!! Just got to wait for appointment to plan and start radium as a preventative measure. I am very relieved and so grateful for the care I’ve had.
Crystal I will be thinking of you and praying for good results for you tomorrow. Let me know how you get on x
Schumi, I had a WLE on 19th September and the time that I got most upset was when the Steri strips came off - it felt like the wound being bare also exposed my emotions!! When the swelling went down I had a dip at the side of my nipple which wasn’t really noticeable in the mirror but looked horrible when looking down. They didn’t get all clear margins with WLE so I had a cavity shave on 27th Oct. This time I had a female surgeon and she said she was going to do the shave and try to move tissue around to lessen the dip. It is 2 weeks tomorrow since that op and upto now, the dip is not back but my boob is a bit flat at the front but not too bad. Again though, when the steri strips came off I cried again. Try not to get too down, your boob will recover. It will just be a bit different. Get all your nice clothes out that you feel good in and wear them. My confidence has really taken a knock with all this but dressing nice helps to overcome this a bit!! Just jeans and nice tops I mean - nothing fancy!!
Hope you feel better and hope the results are good on 22nd too xxx
Schumi remember that it is only a week since your op so swelling etc won’t have all gone yet. Goid luck getting dressings off today xx
Glad to hear all went well 2nd time around. I am on 13th of 25 radiotherapy sessions and mostly ok just a bit sore under armpit ?
Hi Crystal, so chemo would lessen the chance of it coming back by 4%? Or would make it 4% more likely to come back?
Hi Crystal,
So you, like me have had all cancer removed with clear margins. We are of a similar age with the only difference being your 4mm invasive but it was in the middle of the non invasive and hadn’t actually gone anywhere! I am having radium to reduce risk of recurrence but you have a choice to make.
I understand why you feel confused!
Why don’t you start another thread to see what others in the same position have done?
Also could you ask for a 2nd opinion?
When do you have to decide?
Jas so glad to hear you are coping well with radium. I wonder why you are having 25 sessions but I am only having 15?
Standard NHS treatment is 15 . I am being treated privately. 25 sessions is standard for most of the rest of the world. We all get the same dosage but NHS is higher each day. There is such high demand for radiotherapy and waiting lists are long. My oncologist believes 25 at a lower dose gives you less trauma but plenty of women seem to manage well on the higher dose so who knows… x
NHS guidelines is 15 but I am being treated privately. My oncologist believes 25 sessions at a lower dose each time is less stressful physically but who knows…
Thanks for answering Jas and I hope you are still coping ok.
Crystal how are you?
Hi Crystal, i
t is a tough one for you and we could all give opinions but I know at the end of the day it has got to be the choice that you are most comfortable with.
It is so much easier when an expert can tell us what they think is the right thing to do.
Why do they suggest Chemo when the cancer is not there anymore?
Would a mastectomy be as effective?
Is it worth a tough time to achieve better peace of mind?
Is it better to avoid the chemo, have the radium and just bet on with things?
Thankfully I don’t have to make the choice.
I Will say a prayer that you come to a decision that you are happy with xxx
Hi Crystal, I am really glad that you have been able to make the decision and feel happy with it. I am sure you are choosing to give yourself the best chance of no recurrence. You have lots of love and support to get you through it!!
I have recovered well from my surgery and I am meeting with the oncologist on Wednesday to discuss radium and hopefully get a date for it to start. I am anxious about it but just want to get it done and dusted!
I haven’t made any plans for Christmas - I usually do dinner for 15 - but this year I am going to take advantage of everyone’s hospitality. I am just trying to get my kids stuff sorted before treatment starts!
It is strange the relief that comes with making a decision isn’t it? It is like a weight lifted. Let me know when your treatment is starting and what your plan is. I’ll let you know my plan too xxx
Hi Crystal how are you?
Had my planning apt for radium on Friday so will hopefully start radium in the next 10 days they said.
Feeling nervous about it as I don’t cope well with being tired and not able to get on with things! But I know I just have to do as I’m told.
Any date for starting your treatment yet? Hope you are managing to stay positive xx