Mixed results following WLE

I had a WLE on the 13th September and got my results today.


The good news is that they got the whole DCIS out with a 7mm clear margin.  The bad news is they also found 4mm of invasive cancer in the middle. 


The pathology apparently showed that it was triple negative, which means drugs like Tamoxifen won’t work for me, so I’m now being told I need another operation to remove the sentinel node in a weeks time just to see if there are any cancer cells there and that following that I will have to have a course of chemotherapy and then radiotherapy.


I’m obviously worried about having another surgery but I’m terrified of the chemo!


I know that I should be pleased that the cancer is gone now and that the margin was so wide and that everything they are talking about is aimed at preventing it coming back - but I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.


Has anyone on here experienced anything similar?

Been thinking of you today Crystal tips. As you said it’s good new that they have got it all but I am sure chemo is scary to think about. Is there a support group at your clinic? Perhaps they could give you some help xx

Yes it’s tomorrow for me and nervous is an understatement. You are processing it and try to keep the positives at the front of your mind. I know it’s hard because this ride is truly a roller coaster!! Let’s take it a day at a time hey!! Thinking of you and thanks for your good wishes xx!

That’s great news Jas! A big relief I’m sure
Delighted for you x

Crystal tips how are you feel8ng today?

Hi Crystaltips got my results and it was all Dcis with no invasion. Got to have another op on 17th as they want a bigger clear margin on on side of what they took away…they said just a shaving. Then have to start radium about 4 weeks after when breast is healed. Was worried I would need a 2nd op but feel so relieved otherwise.
Hope you are OK? Have you got family and friends around to support you?

Pleased for you too…we can share radiotherapy experiences ?

They do Crystaltips you’re right. It is the same with me. I’m 49 and asked my nurse if I would still need the radium yesterday and she said yes because remember it’s high grade DCIS! So now it’s just let’s get it done! Have explained to my children about the radium now too - they just knew I had had a troublesome lump removed! No one tells us how to deal with this but this forum is really helping me. Stay positive Crystaltips and remember to keep talking and getting your worries out. Hope today is a good day xx

We can Jas. Do you know when you are starting it?

No seeing oncologist tomorrow ?

How did it go Jas58?

Crystaltips how are you feeling?

Yes my op is 20th - like you, I just want it done! Yeah the 4mm thing seems mad doesn’t it! I am struggling with a sore Boob. Had no pain for a week after the WLE but now it is sore and painful and getting me down!
I was just talking to a friend tonight who has been through cancer treatment and chemo. She was saying you just have to keep telling yourself that you will get through it and soon it will seem like a bad dream! She said she used to get dressed really nice every time she went for chemo and it helped her to feel better!
Keep your chin up and stay positive xx

Team will be in touch early next week for planning meeting then hopefully start the week after! Apparently they will send a car to pick me up each time!! ?

I have the shooting pains too - although I don’t want you to have pain it is comforting to know it’s not just me!! Sorry!

I feel less worked about the op than I was last time - I was really scared - because I know what to expect now. But ask me again the night before and I’m sure I’ll still be apprehensive. I am scared not to be scared - if you know what I mean!

Also I am getting through each day like it’s normal but I feel nothing will ever be normal again!
Let’s keep going hey and we’ll get there Crystaltips xx

Hi Crystaltips how are you? Hope you have coped with the weekend and are not too worried about your op. How are your shooting pains?

Still got some showing pains and tenderness but bought and been using aqueous cream and I think that’s helping.
The over thinking is a problem - for me it’s when it’s quiet that my over thinking is worse!! So I’m trying to keep busy and prayer helps me too.

Glad you had a good weekend and have great support. It all helps us to get through the tough times. Xxx

Hi Crystaltips…how are you? I hope you are not too anxious about tomorrow x

I am OK and like you just waiting!! Keeping busy as much as I can.
Hope all goes well tomorrow and results are good. Let us know how you get on xx

Hi Crystaltips I hope Thursday went OK and you are recovering well x