mixed results

Hi everyone, 

Seen the onc today re scan results following taxotere. Have had mixed results which are disappointing but could be worse! My lung mets are stable and have been for nearly 3 years now so that is good. My bones are stable too. However, the liver is not as good. The one they were using as a marker is smaller by 25% but there are 2 very small tumours which were barely visible and these have increased by 25%. So all in all my liver is no better but no worse and only small tumours.

Have been on Anastrozle since chemo finished at the end of April and onc thinks that it is working but not as well as it could. He is going to keep me on it and scan me earlier ie in 2 months as he wants to see if the cancer is still slow growing which he thinks it is. He has said though that there will probably be some growth and if there is he is going to start me on capecitabine.

So trying to stay positive and I do trust the onc so will see what August brings. My appointment is on my birthday!

Good luck to everyone and especially those waiting for results.

Love Sheila. Xx

Sheila, well it is a mixed bag sing it. Good news about bones and lungs but you must be worried about liver. I must say I know some other ladies with liver mets who have seen fantastic results with Cape so all is not lost. Your onc seems to be on the ball and is not letting you have too much longer before he reevaluates. Stay positive Sheila - I feel on the whole your results are good. Look on it as you might need a little tweet for the liver.

Huge hugs,

H xxxx

Hi,Sheila,fantastic news on lung & bones though. Your onc seems like he’s keeping an eye on you and ready to get the little bugger if he grows . They may even have all shrank by then.
Huge hugs ,Helen xxxxx

Is cape only for post hormonal ladies? Seems to guve good results. Im pre horminsl though and currently on tamoxifen.