Mobility decreased since starting Femara


I suspect that this is something I will have to get used to but thought I would ask if anyone else has had the same.

I have been on Femara now for about 3 months and initially had no noticable SE’s. However I have realised that for the last 5/6 weeks the distance I can walk without pains in my legs is decreasing rapidly. I was able to walk comfortably at a reasonable pace for a couple of miles prior to Femara, yesterday I measured the distance I could walk before pains in my legs started was down to 550 yards(carefully measured by OH on some web site or other). I persevered unitl about the 1/2 mile mark before I was consiously have to work at getting one foot in front of the other.( In the house where I stop and start and sit down and stand up and generally potter around is no problem)

Has anyone else had this and is there an answer - I have even bought really good trainers from a reputable shop to minimise impact on my legs but it has made very little difference.

I would rather not give up the tablets if they helping me to deal with BC but am now wondering if the tablets to deal with one situation are actually making me semi disabled.




Sorry to hear about your mobility problems. I’ve just started taking Femara, still in the 1st month. I already have problems with my legs, this has been since chemo. Not noticed any change at the moment although still early days.

Good luck, hope you are able to resolve it soon.

hello Andie plus any one else on Femara,Im currently half way through my 3rd pack of femara,nothing major to report,some queasiness and muscle pain but worth it if it does the business. My current concern is tenderness(verging on soreness)in my remaining breast,must add I had a rough time with rads,broken skin etc.,Im wondering if this tablet is causing it. I only finished the rads 5 weeks ago and my skin is still very bad but not going any worse. I was so worried about my other boob I got my 3 month check up brought
forward but the consultant assured me that he was certain there were no tumours but couldnt give me a plausible reason for the soreness. He said if I had a mammogram it would be detrimental to my health. The sensation is similar to how your boobs feel before a period,my hubby thinks its because I only wear a bra on high days and holidays, anyone got an opinion? Sorry cant answer your query,Andie,cheerio, love Mags,p.s.I`m well past periods!

Andie - I have the same mobility problem. My legs feel like lead and it is such an effort to put one leg in front of the other.

I am not on Femara but I’m on Arimidex but the same thing has happened. I have been on Arimidex now for over 3 years so I think I am stuck with it. I just hope I get back to normal when the 5 years is up!

Started Femara two weeks ago and already have tingling, numbness and pain in joints. Didn’t really expect this. Also feel completely washed out. I am just waiting to start rads at the end of the month being one of the lucky ones who haven’t needed chemo but feel more shattered now than post op. Thinking that before the end of the month I may try swimming to exercise the joints and hopefully increase stamina. Just so relieved that others have experienced the same as initially I was panicing.

Hi ladies. Had mastectomy and instant LD flap recon, last November; chemo - sailed through this (one of the lucky ones, I

Start again! Had mastectomy and instant LD flap recon., last November. Had 6 FEC and TAX January to April. Then full axillary clearance in June. Just finished 25 rad blastings. Sailed through all that was chucked at me with a smile.

But am now on 3rd month of Femara and can honestly say this is the worst I have felt over all of the above.

I could just sit here and cry with the pain in my ankles and knee joints. Surely we can’t be expected to take continuous pain killers for the next 5 years.

I know it’s helping us to live a longer life, but this feeling is the pits. I read somewhere that switching to a different manufacturer can help, anybody else heard of this? x Jacq x

Hi Jacqnotyetinthebox

I’ve only heard of one type of femara but there seems to be all sorts of these type of drugs, some for pre menopause and some post menopause. The silly thing with me at the moment is if I am pottering around indoors I am OK it is just when I try and walk outdoors on pavements that I seem to have a problem. Although the cramp can occur at any time anywhere


Hi Andie.

No, I didn’t mean a different type of Femara tablet - just that I’d heard of a possibility that as it is made by several different manufacturers (i.e. different brands), some can agree/disagree with us (re: different side effects) due to the different additives put in the tablets by the different companies producing them.


Lol - what a vocabulary I have - used ‘different’ 6 times!

P.S. Is it safe for us to take Glucosamine Chondroitin and MSM supplements - heard that they’re really good for the joints.

I thought it was me being over sensitive!!! I too am on Femara (2nd month in) after being on Tamoxifen for 21 months… I have incredible aches and pains (I have bone mets anyway) and tingling sensations in my arms…

I’m going to keep a diary of the bad days and see if a pattern forms…

According to my onc it is safe to take Glucosamine Chondroitin alongside Femara. I’ve been on Femara for almost a year now and have the usual ankle and wrist pains. The downside for me is that my dexa scans were showing significant bone density loss so am now on Alendronic Acid tablets to strengthen them . It sometimes seems like a never ending supply of more tablets to counter the side effects of previous ones. Having said that I do think of it as a small price to pay for helping to prevent cancer returning.
