moiturising--what about coco butter +skin nurse


been reading posts on here and very good advice about getting your skin into good condition before rads.I am a terrible slob. Never use moisturisers. But in the bad old days when i loved to sunbath i used cocobutter before and after sunbathing. It left my skin supple and I never burned or blistered --anyboday tried it. I do have a jar of pure organic coco nut oil as well.

I will ask my skin nurse—skin nurse?? apparantly I have to see one before the treatment starts, does everyone get one of these??

washing wont be a problem, I have never used soap or shower gel or anything.

Use anything you like that suits your skin before rads. During treatment you should stick to what is recommended, basically something like simple soap for washing and aquaeous cream for washing and moisturising. Lots of people like to use aloe vera (needs to be very pure) afterwards, especially on scars. If you get actual skin damage you can use hydrocortisone cream. Have plenty to drink.


Id have thought that coco butter and similar stuff would have quite a lot of adatives ie colour and fragrance. Wouldn’t they iritate the skin?

I found a good natural Vitamin E cream was great getting skin ready, but do be careful during treatments stick to the aquaeous cream & 99.9 % aloe vera gel is great to leave on the skin which ive found soothes lovely, im quite dark skinned yet still have got a nice big reddish square, if it becomes itchy don’t scratch it see the rad nurse & they will give you some steriod cream not needed it yet myself but its felt bit itchy today

To be quite honest there is no evidence to support the idea that moisurised skin reacts less. What they do know is when your having rads using creams other than water based cream like aqueous cream can result in more severe burning. There is no evidence that aqueous cream reduces burning or helps the skin to recover however using it can be soothing on burnt skin. There is a research paper I posted in the past but on my mobby so will try to find it when I’m home… But prob not till next week as working tonight then at T in the park all weekend.


hi oal , i like you have low maintenence skin regime no moisturising before rads and aqueous during and my skin held up well x

I think you got a good point there Lucy & when you think about it the length of time we are having our boobs microwaved I think creams can only do so much to help but Ive been quite concerned about some of the things Ive read here that some of the ladies have used :open_mouth: !

Ive medium olive skin & always had a good skin regime & my skin has always been in good condition yet after what will be 15 rads I have now what looks like a scold square over the whole boob area when I look at it in a mirror it make my eyes water yet luckily so far it doesn’t feel sore just bit tender, not dried out like some women get but it sure looks painful, So wether its due to the fact im darker skinned or that ive always looked after my skin or just pot luck its hard to tell ?

Mekala x


I was given very specific advice about what to use during rads treatment and told not to use anything other than what they recommended in case it interfered with the rads treatment. About 4 or 5 weeks after I’d finished I asked the ‘skin nurse’ if I could switch to using coconut oil. When I did I found an instant reduction in redness and dryness.

Mekalar - I think being olive-skinned does make a difference to the amount of redness and burning. I had very little but had that ‘scorch mark’ look, like a dark patch of suntan for ages afterwards.

Hope the rads goes well. take care, elinda x