Hi its been a very long time scince i last came on here but i just needed to share this with someone, im devistated that my mum has just been diagnosed 3 1/2 years after me.
I was diagnosed at 35 in sep 05 with a grade 3 aggressive tumour,i had 6 sessions of FEC,wide local with total node clearence,15 sessions of rads and curently 3 years into tamoxifen.
My mum is having a wide local on thursday 23 April and i just can not belive she has got it,im asking why,when,how.
I just hope she dose not need further treatment,she is 73 and not in good health any way
Hi Bluebell,
Just wanted to say sorry to hear about your mum. It must have been a shock to you and obviously you are still dealing with your own treatment. Best Wishes to you both. LooLoox
Hi Bluebell
Sorry to hear about your Mum, you must both be very shocked! My Mum was diagnosed 6 months before me. At the time I was 40 and she was 70, (both of us out of the standard band for screening!) My BC like yours was ‘everything thrown at me’ I had 8 TAC chemo, WLE + total node clearance, with 10 infected, and 33 radiotherapy. Whereas Mum was treated very differently, she had a mastectomy, but was told that she wouldn’t need chemo or radiotherapy, because at her age the cancer would be extremely slow growing. So your Mum at a similar age may be treated very differently to you, probably a lot more gently - let’s hope so!
Take care, best wishes to you both
We have just had our genetics results, neg for BCRA 1&2, the Genetist thought it was a “coincidence” that my mum got BC 6 months after me. I was 41 and mum 66 ( just out of the screening program, but went voluntarily to Action Cancer for a check, although she had no lump to be felt!)The Genetiscist also said my mum was in the age range to “expect it”. Again our treatments were different, i had partial mactectomy, node removal, chemo, rads, tamox and herceptin. Mum had mastectomy because she had 2 tiny areas, and chemo just because she needed Hercptin. Two years on, we are both doing well and getting on with life. Good luck with your mums results.
Hi Ladys.
Thankyou for your kind comments.
My mom had a WLE and node clearence 23/04/09 and is going to get the results wed 06/05/09,she recoverd well from the surgery and is a little pain and is in good spirits,she keeps on flashing her boob to me and my sisters,i am just praying she gets some good news.
I will update you soon
Luv Bluebell.
good luck to your mum for tomorrow.
My moms update
she has the same cancer that i had DC grade 3 aggresive E+,same breast (right)they have removed 17 nodes 2 showing traces of cancer,no further surgery needed,amidex 5 years,rads,bone density scan.