Mom is starting to loose her memory and mind

I’m 20 years old and have a 15 year old sister. Almost 2 years ago we found out my mom had triple negative breast cancer. The doctor opted to to chemo then surgery which I think was a major mistake. She finished treatment and had a mastectomy. About 3 months later the cancer returned in her brain as a large tumor that affected her speech. Surgery and radiation got that tumor. Since then the cancer has spread to her liver, multiple raised bumps on her skin around the surgical site and along her back, in her spine, bones and now recently muscles. I’ve heard that is very rare. No chemo has fully worked and the one she is on now obviously isn’t working as she is getting hair back pretty fast. For the past week or so, she’s been getting really confused and says things that don’t make any sense. I’ll ask her a question and her response will be completely wrong. She says she has vivid, realistic dreams. Could she be dreaming stuff happened when it hadn’t? Or could the cancer be back in her brain? Her memory slipped so quickly so it makes me wonder. She had scans in 2 weeks but I wish they were sooner.

Hi Sarah,

So sorry to hear about mom & what you & your sister are going through at such a young age. 

Do you both have any other support, is your dad around or other family members?

If your mom is having symptoms, then I take it she will be seeing her team about this, there could be a variety of reasons for her symptoms & this will need to be checked out. Could your mom get an appointment sooner than in 2 weeks for the scans?

If you’re in the UK, you can call the helpline here 0800 800 6000 to talk things through with one of the nurses.

Sending hugs

ann x