Mom just diagnosed

Hi all. My Mom has just been diagnosed & has to go for op in a couple of weeks. Feeling totally shell shocked because Mom is never ill - she’s always been the steady rock and it’s actually Dad who is the one usually needing care. I’m obviously going to do everything I can to help them but since I work full time I’m wondering if any home help is available for when Mom is recovering…she’s been told she won’t be able to lift anything for 3 weeks or so. Dad (who’s 72) had a heart attack last year and is also suffering with prostate cancer & is barely able to look after himself let alone Mom.

Dear BettyBlue

Welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure you will receive lots of valuable support from your fellow users. In addition I am posting to the BCC publication which is a resource pack for those newly diagnosed, you and your Mom may find this helpful to read:*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/82/

Here’s the link to a publication containing details of further support such as our helpline which you are all welcome to use:

I hope this helps

Take care