Mom's first chemo

Hi again! Now that mom has had her surgery and her port placed in her chest, she will begin chemo in the morning. I have been told that breast cancer patients only have a very small chance of keeping their hair and my mom is very aware of that and is ready for that. Me and my brother bought her some really pretty chemo scarfs and hats to get her through and she has received them.

What I am wondering is how long it will take after her first treatment to begin to lose her hair. She has very thin hair anyway, so once it starts, it will go quickly I am sure. She is going to be taking a two day temporary work assignment next week and I wonder if she will be having hair loss by then.

She has really pulled her strength and she is doing pretty well at this point. Of course she is mentally and physically very tired from the procedures that she has endured, but generally, she is very pleased that she is through the surgeries other than removal of the port at a later date.

Thank you so much for your time in reading my posts and for your very valuable information and experiences. Bless all of you!


Hi Kirsty

Hair loss usually begins around 2-3 weeks after the first dose of Chemo. My head started to feel sore about day 10 and by day 14 was very painful. My downstairs hair left the building first. But my hair didn’t start falling out until about day 17 and my Sis shaved it off fir me. Some people find losing their hair very traumatic. I didn’t me and my sister had a total. Laugh and were in hysterics innthe bathroom. My poor mum could here us and thoughts we were crying and she sat outside crying. My bf also felt neglected he had wanted to shave it but never mentioned it till now (iver 2 years later). But think that’s cos I’m about to lose it again having just had my 1st of 6 Chemo for another tumour.

I’m sure with you for support your mum will be just fine. And that was so nice to get her scarves. Wish my kids were a bit more thoughtful… But we can’t have everything.

Take care and hope mums Chemo goes ok today

Lulu xxx

Thank you. I hope your treatments go well too. I have found a lot of strength from the women on these boards and I appreciate it so much. My mom has already had a good laugh at the thought of her downstairs hair coming out. I never had thought about that until she brought it up, but we giggled over the phone about that part ;o}

Hi Sugar Magnolia,
I lost my hair about day 19, didn’t shave it as I had been told it would “distort the hair follicles and make it grow in curly” Well, the hair didn’t know that and grew in curly regardless. If I have to lose it again I will get someone to shave it off and will look for someone like Lulu’s sister to make me laugh while I do it.
I wonder if this might help you and your mother in the next few weeks or months? I don’t know where it came from, maybe from this site, I just found it on my favourites/bookmarks a few days ago. It makes me smile, and I feel would have cheered me up in my bald phase. Hair has grown back and I have just had my first hair cut- still looks like someobody else’s hair though!

Good luck to your Mom for the chemo, and be sure to have some rest/treat times for yourself so you can carry on being a great support

And a side order of good wishes for Lulu

LL mine was shaved and grew in poker straight… i think it has very little to do with the saving and more to do with the chemo whether it comes back curly or not.

love that video… it really made me smile

and thanks

SM glad mum is looking at the funny side of things too.

Lulu x

LOL That was a really cute video. I think my mom will enjoy it. Thank you for the laugh :o) I love seeing women empower themselves, it is a beautiful thing. Her first round went fine. She did not feel anything from it that night, but the steroids that she has to take (for the chemo I suppose) made her face hot and rashy. She has sensitive skin anyway. Also, she does not know if it is the steroid or the chemo that is interrupting her sleep at night. I asked her to please take naps when she is tired so her immune system does not suffer any more than it already is going to from the chemo. This morning she was a bit nauseated, but she took the medicine they gave her and she feels fine now. She is drinking lots of water and tea and her spirits are good. I am so proud of her, it makes me weepy. xoxo

awww you are doing so well supporting her hunny… sending extra special hugs your way

the steriods do cause insomnia… i would recommend not taking them too late in the day… try and take them first thing in the morning for the first dose and the 2nd lot id advise no later than teatime but preferably nearer lunch time… and cat nap when she can.

Lulu xx

Hi SugarM,

What a wonderful team you and your mum are. Your support will help her such a lot, just remember to look after yourself too!

Carolyn x

Hey Ladies,

My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a double MX nearly 6 months ago. We received devastating news that the cancer had moved to her lung and was diagnosed with Secondary’s 2 weeks ago. it was awful and she was put onto Temoxifen for a ‘better quality of life’ rather than chemo. 10 days later we received some ‘hope’ that they are not 100% sure it is definitely secondary’s on her lung, so they are hitting her with Chemo over xmas and then will have another scan in the new year to see if it is-or isn’t… (FINGERS, TOES…EVERYTHING CROSSED!!!)
Her ONC told us that her hair will fall out pretty much all in one and it can be traumatic- so over the weekend i got the kitchen scissors and we cut it short! It was great- we both had such a laugh and she looks even better with shorter hair!! We have lovely hats in preparation and these forums have been an incredible support to my mum. She has met two wonderful women from our area from here and i joke and call the three of them ‘cancer friends’ as they are all united by one thing and all hate and are fighting the one thing many people are scared to even say-WELL BRING IT ON!
One of the lovely ladies has offered for her to go round and try her wig on which is similar to mums hair style anyway- so the first question i asked was…only if i get to try it on too!! i think all you women are fantastic.
SugarM-ive never thought our relationship as mother/daughter could get any closer…but it is, im wishing all the best for your mum and hope she listens to you and takes those naps.
love Liz xxx

Thank you all so much for your support and sharing your stories. Mom had her first chemo treatment last week and her second one will be Thursday. She felt fine on the day of the treatment and the next a little nauseated. Since then, she has felt very ill. She says that she feels like she is getting the flu. She is very shaky along with her joints aching and terrible nausea and fatigue. Over the phone, her voice is so weak. I just hope that she has time to feel better before her next treatment. I had such hope that she would not become this sick, but this too shall pass. After Thursday, she will be 2 down and 4 to go before radiation. Her spirits are still good despite the negative physical reaction to the chemo. Bless her sweet heart!

Dear Sugarmagnolia,
Really sorry to hear how ill your Mom has been feeling. It is really important that she lets her chemo team know EVERYTHING she has suffered from, before the next treatment as they may be able to give her better side effect control.
It sounds tough having the chemo sessions 2 weeks apart (tell me if I have understood wrongly) but the good thing must be that you get to the end of it faster.
And it is wonderful that her spirits are still good!

She is having them one week apart, every Thursday. She will have 3 and then a 1 week break and then another 3 for a total of 6 treatments in 7 weeks. I will let her know to tell her team what she is feeling. I am sure there is something that can help her.

Second round down, 4 to go. She sounded good today and had a good day yesterday too. She is looking forward to her week break because it lands on Thanksgiving celebration. She was so sick for a few days, but her voice sounded so good today. She is not one to make a fuss about anything, but it was impossible to hide her pain in her voice. Once she is done with her radiation after the chemo, she is going to come out to be with us for a little while here in California. Honestly, I would rather her and her husband move back here with us permanently, but it is not my place to push my own will. She says that she has a weird taste in her mouth all of the time and she cannot bear to eat cheese, which she loves. Weird. I can’t wait to see her, probably after the new year!!! YIPEEEEE!!! I just want to kiss her face!!!

What a loving daughter you mom has. It must be really hard for both of you being so far apart. Does mom use the Forums as you are? She would make so many virtual friends if she did. She might like peer support from a Breast Cancer Care Peer Supporter. They I would try to match her with somebody who has had the same treatment as much as possible . She could give the Helpline a ring and talk it over
It is so lovely to read your love for your mom in your listings. You sound very similar to my daughter also called Kirsty
Bless you
Cackles xc

She has done some research, but has not come to any forums. Last week, she was so sick that she could do nothing more that what was absolutely necessary. I did send her this link and I do hope she uses it. I also found a hospital in Houston Texas (where she lives) that does the “Look Good Feel Better” program and made her reservations for it. It is a wonderful program that offers classes for women who are going through chemo and have lost their hair. It teaches them how to apply make up so that they look like they have natural looking eyebrows and shows them how to use various wraps and wigs. Popular department store make-up brands donate regularly to this cause. Also companies that make human hair wigs donate too. Mom does not care to have a wig, she is happy with the wraps and hats that me and my brother sent her. She has not lost her hair yet, but this is her second week, so she brought the wraps out and has been playing with them.

So sorry Kristy I thought it was the other way round., you in America and mom in England… What a do do I am… Blame the chemo.
There used to be a version of Breast Cancer Care in America called “Why me.” I don’t know if they are still about but it might be worthwhile looking into.
I have done the “looking good session” here and it was so worthwhile, I am so glad she has something similar.
I look awful in headscarves but I am used to the wig now. It all depends on your head shape etc plus age. Mom will do what she feels is best for her. My husband loves me in hats but I am not too keen and only wear them to keep him happy!!!
Lovely to see you caring so much for mum
Big hug
Cackles xx

Look Good Feel Better is really good, and the wonderful gift bag includes some very expensive brands of cosmetics.
Perhaps one of the best aspects of LGFB is meeting other women going through the same thing at the same time.

Great that your Mom will be free for Thanksgiving!