Money worries

Good morning everyone, I hope your all doing as okay as can be.
I’ve been told that my works won’t be paying me for being off sick. Now I’m only recently diagnosed so I’ve no idea at the moment until my plan is in place (hopefully tomorrow) as to when I will be returning to work. Does anyone know if there is any help out there for us ?

i know the macmillan centers help with financial stuff etc, so sorry your in that position as this is enough worry in itself…big hugs…milliex

hi Annie,
Sorry to hear you have this on top. Sadly, employer responses are so inconsistent. As Millie says, Macmillan offer financial advice & support & other ladies have found them helpful. Citizens Advice can also advise & support.
So that you are aware, under the Equalities Act, we cannot be discriminated against for having a cancer diagnosis, so do seek advice as you see fit.
very best wishes in dealing with this
ann x

Hi Annie

employers have to at least pay statutory sick pay as long as your employment meets certain minimum requirements

but unfortunately its not much money and anything over and above that is at the employers discretion. ACAS are also helpful if you think your employer is not doing what they should do - they have a free phone line.

I was off sick for quite a few months last year and only got SSP for most of that time so claimed housing benefit. Macmillan do have a good benefits helpline where they will talk you through what and how much you may be entitled to. There are also some little things which help like free prescriptions for five years following a cancer diagnosis, small grants from Macmillan, help with other health costs if you are on a low income etc. It can feel like an awful lot to deal with alongside getting your head round all the cancer stuff itself, but there is advice and support out there to help xx