More blood tests!!!'

I had stage 3 invasive cancer 2 years ago and had chemo, surgery, radiotherapy and herceptin. I have also been taking letrozole for over a year. 3 weeks ago I went to the oncology centre- I live in Cyprus- and had a blood test. I have just had a phone call to tell me I need some more blood tests. She told me they were routine   

And nothing to worry about!!! Is it usual to have a variety of blood tests??? I have to have an ultra sound and chest X-ray next month!

Hi Rosie

So very sorry to hear how anxious you feel.  I am sure someone will be along soon to share their experience, but what is routine in Cyprus may not be in the UK, it is always difficult comparing treatment between different countries as they all have different ‘norms’.  If you wanted to chat through any of this with one of our specialists on the Helpline, please do call (+44) 20 7620 0077 which is the number to call from overseas. The Helpline is open Monday-Friday 9-5 and Saturday 10-2 UK time.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer