More lumps...

I found this forum so helpful a couple of years back when I found a palpable lump in my left breast. I went to the doctor as advised and I was sent to the breast clinic under two week week guidance and all turned out well - it was a large cyst. It’s now come back and think there may be some thickening underneath it. The reason I’m uncertain is that years ago I had a large fibrodenoma removed and it could be scar tissue. It certainly feels different to my right breast. Now, of course it’s got me checking everywhere and I’ve now found another smallish lump in lower area of right breast - appears round. Do I bother the doctor with this again as it’s likely to just be cysts? The large cyst that’s refilled is right at top of left breast so very noticeable but not painful. Any advice gratefully appreciated! (Sorry to waffle on)

Hi Miss T

Please don’t forget that you are welcome to call our helpline to talk your concerns over, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

best wishes


Hi Miss T

I would get the lumps checked out. Better to go and be told they’re cysts/scar tissue than not go and they turn out to be bc.

Thanks - I really appreciate the advice, I’ve made an appointment for Tues after work so here we go again…

Let us know what the doctor says.

Maggie x

Thanks everyone. Been to my GP who has made instant referral under the two week system. Unfortunately the person who deals with the bookings had already gone home so need to sort tomorrow. Here we go again! I feel a lot more relaxed about it this time and blessed to have a GP who doesn’t hold back on what he thinks and explains things to you as if you do have half a brain cell.
I’ll keep in touch! X

All went well at clinic, they are so lovely and explain everything so well. Fortunately they were just cysts (again) and the nurse even held my hand when they were drained. I know I’ve still got lumps but have 100% trust that the sonographer knows there’s nothing sinister. I am incredibly lucky and thank you all for your support and wise words. Your advice was so reassuring and I wish you all the very best for the future xxx

I’m so pleased for you. That’s great news. And I’m so glad you had a good experience at the clinic. thank you for you comment on my post too. I will be getting a second opinion and would be over the moon to have the same results as you xx

I so hope that you do have a better experience. I know that the Torbay clinic is good as others on here have said the same. I’ve got to say mine were very obvious lumps and though I’m classed as young I still got mammograms etc. I think 30 is prob too young for mammos to be much use. They picked up other bits and pieces I couldn’t feel on sono but the sonographer was so knowledgeable I’m not in the least bit worried. A shame the service isn’t the same standard nationwide. Keep us posted. x