More waiting

Well, all good my end! On reflection information was kept to a minimum. I was basically told that the biopsy results were good but the clusters of micro calcifications particularly need further monitoring before returning to the screening program. So I will be called back later this year to repeat all the tests. She didn’t want to give me a copy of the results but said my GP has access to the information. So I may ask for a print out of it when I next go to the GP. She’s not considering removing the fibroadenoma at this stage. I will stick around to see how the rest of you get on this week. I really hope you get good news. Xx

Great news Poppy!
Jan x

That’s really good news - sending positive thoughts for us with appointments to come this week.

That’s great to hear Poppy, good news for me also! Second biopsy has come back benign as well, they have just said to return to my gp if I have any more worries…they had apparently left me a message cancelling my appointment in view of the results so I only got the chance to chat to a nurse briefly. I’m still unsure at what is causing the dimple, perhaps it is just cellulite like I originally thought!

Wow! That’s fabulous news! I’m so pleased for you!! Let’s hope we have set a trend for everyone else this week. Also that others reading this thread maybe in the future take some positive vibes whilst they are in the waiting room too!!! Best wishes to all. Xx

So pleased for you girls. ?
I have clear margins so good news too!
But… Some rogue cells in a node coupled with a pulmonary nodule means I need chemo then radiotherapy. I’m actually relieved was dreading more surgery. I know I have a long way to go but so far so good.
Jan x

Jan. Glad that you have clear margins and positive vibes being sent your way for your treatment.

Sarah, you are right about the stats!! I hope you have the news you want next week. Keep us posted.

Also, I’ll update this post later in the year with my results from the follow up. Xx

I had good news on Thursday - mammograms were fine and ultrasound on lump showed it was a lipoma. Very relieved and pleased that my first experience of a mammogram was fine. All the best to those still awaiting results.

That’s fab news. I’m really pleased for you. Xx

Best wishes Sarah for your treatment. I hope it’s not all too awful. Xxx

Hi girls, a year on and I’m just touching base. I’m having a year followup on my microcalcifications and fibroadenoma this afternoon to see if there are any changes. I guess just magnified mammogram and ultrasound today and will find out if i need biopsies again or not.

Not sure if any of you are around, if you are hope all is well?


Hi Sarah, I wondered if you were still around. How’s your treatment been and how are you?

I got my results on 30th Nov. The microcalcifications have multiplied noticeably in their clusters and changed characteristics - Heterogeneous which is what they said last year could happen. Last year I had a vacuum assisted biopsy on the microcalcifications (benign) and core needle on the lump which biopsied as a fibroadenoma.

So, with the changes to the microcalcifications and the area now involved (3cm) they want to remove them all surgically under general anesthetic. They are graded suspicious - moderate to high risk of malignancy. Also apparently I have very dense breasts which means not everything may show on the mammograms. I asked about removing the fibroadenoma aswell at the same time but the breast consultant thought it had been removed last year. After looking at my computer notes properly he agreed it hadn’t and has made a note for the surgeon. The radiologist didn’t mention the fibroadenoma on this year’s report at all which I think a little odd. Maybe it didn’t show up? If I remember rightly he said it was very deep, and I’ve never been able to locate/ feel it. Last year it was 11mm

I’m going to have wire localisation done by the radiologist before surgery so I have started preparing some questions for him.

I was told I’ll get a week’s notice for the surgery date by telephone, doubtful now before Xmas.

So, back waiting…
Would love to here how you have been.
Best wishes

Hi Sarah, It doesn’t seem like a year does it, it’s gone in a flash. I’m glad your treatment has been “ok” and you are getting through it. I’m sure it hasn’t been plain sailing.

I’ve had a call today to say my pre op is Wed 21st Dec, so a bit more progress.

I hope your mammogram is OK and that the right decisions were taken last year. Will you get any results before seeing the surgeon? … It’s a long time to wait…

I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. Let me know.

Hi Sarah, good to hear from you.

Pre op went well yesterday. Straightforward. Still waiting for surgery date but I suspect it will be early Jan. I was told I’ll get a week’s notice by phone call.

I’m sure you are right, you’ve had enough treatment this past year for anything to be lurking. So, hopefully you can relax over Xmas and enjoy!

Lets keep in touch !
Merry Christmas to you.
Big hug.

Hi Sarah. Good to hear from you and I’m so pleased about your news, must be a relief. I’m still waiting for the call with my surgery date. Spain went back to work properly only this week because of the King’s fiesta on 5th/ Epiphany on 6th. I’m really hoping they call me this week!!!

I managed to put it out of my mind, but now I just want it done. Anyway hopefully soon.

Flu crisis here means no beds. So am having to be patient.

Hi Sarah. Surgery scheduled for next Wednesday morning. Xx

Drain and bandaging removed today at hospital check up. No sign of infection and looking good so far. I’m sleeping well and not much pain now. Got my sports bra on now and much more comfy!! I’m in good spirits actually, I feel I’m being very well looked after and better out than in!!