Morning or evening??

Hi ladies,

I am due to start Tamoxifen next week and I just have a quick question for you all…I was wondering if it was best to take it in the morning or the evening? I have heard people say that the evening is best but I’m not really sure why.

As ever, any advice would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Take care,


Hi Kelly

Don’t know if there is a better time to take your tamoxifen, I opted for evening. I have my mobile phone set on a reminder which plays Doris Day singing Que Sera Sera when it is time. Otherwise, I would just forget !!! I have been taking mine for a couple of weeks and feel absolutely fine so far.

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Diane x

Hi Kelly

I have been on tamoxifen since March 07 and I take mine in the morning with a multi vitamin and fish oil capsule. Apart from a few hot flushes which don’t bother me too much I have had no side effects. I keep them in the kitchen drawer and when I go for cutlery for breakfast I remember them. I feel I may forget at night if I’m really tired or have had a glass or two of wine!
Hope all goes well
Shorty xx

Hi Kelly

I’ve read that some ladies find Tamoxifen gives them such bad flushes during the day that their oncologists tell them to take it at night! Also read that you can take half in the morning and half at night.

I didn’t find any difference for the 6 months I took it. I’m now on Arimidex (had my ovaries out so changed to aromatose inhibitor) and used to take it in the morning but when my anxiety levels were high I was worried it was going through me too quickly (not to be descriptive!) so now I take it at night so that it stays in my system for several hours!!! It’s also easier to remember taking it with sleeping tablets and other routine night stuff.


Keep them by your toothbrush. I used to take mine at night but was very unlucky in that I had bad hot flushes but not everyone gets them. I am now on Arimidex which again I take at night and they are much better for me. I think the reasoning behind taking them at night is that if you are going to get flushes maybe better during the night but you can experiment and I really hope you will be lucky.

Hi Kelly
I have been on the ‘lovely’ pill for 15months now and have experimented with the times i have taken it. I started out taking it in the mornings and had alot of flushes all day, so i changed to the night. Then i thought i wonder if the flushes will be less if i take half in the morning and half at night it turned out i had mega flushes all day and night so not for me. I now take it either after my tea at night or later on in the evening and this seems to suite me.
I have found though about an hour after taking it i have a huge flush.

Winter is far better for me i am finding, when i have a flush it passes more quickly and i dont sweat as much.

Night times i have about 3 flushes which wake me up i just fling the covers off for 5 mins then back on and usually go back to sleep.

Love the que sera sera alarm Diane what a great idea.

I have forgotten to take it 3 times which isnt bad. I mark my callendar when i begin a new lot of 10 tabs as sometimes i cant remember if i have taken it so i can count the tabs.

Red wine and caffeine makes my flushes unbearable. Keep asking questions.

I am sure you will be fine with it.


Hi Kelly

Its me again! Think I must be the odd one out here! I said I took the dreaded tablet in the morning and I had a few hot flushes. I have one or two in the day but most of my flushes occur at night even though I take it in the morning - I suppose we’re all different!
Shorty xx

I started taking it in the mornings but I found that i couldn’t sleep at night. So I switched to taking them at night time and found that I slept much better. I was lucky that I didn’t get the hot flushes on tamoxifen but all that’s changed now that I’m on zoladex!

Hi ladies,

thank you so much for your responses, much appreciated. I think I am gonna start by taking them at night and see how it goes really. Blimey I’m nervous, I hate taking any sort of medication for the first time and I am sooooo not ready for hot flushes!!!

Take care and thanks again,


P.S. Loving the ‘Que Sera Sera’ Diane!

Hi Kelly

I take mine after my evening meal, as I think they can upset your stomach if you haven’t eaten. Also, that way if I forget to take them I have the rest of the evening to remember! I only have hot flushes in the night and they haven’t been too bad at all so far. I started taking it 2 months ago.


I take mine when I brush my teeth at night - purely because my cousin suffered sickness with hers if she took them in the morning - her philosophy was - I may be able to sleep through the start of feeling sick - I haven’t felt sick at all but do have those magical ‘tropical moments’ two or three times at night !

Best wishes & Good Luck (whenever you decide to take them)
Maddy xxxx

I take mine in the evening after my meal. I also wake up about three or four times during the night very hot and have to fling off the covers. I then feel cold and have to put them over me again. I tend to get back to sleep quite quickly though but wake up feeling like I’ve had a disturbed nights sleep. It’s OK at the moment while I’m not working as I can catch up during the day if need be. Won’t be so great when I’m back at work! Had no other effects from it so far. I’m on my second week of taking it.


I was talking to a lady at my local BC support group who has ‘half size’ tablets and takes on in the morning and one at night. This has greatly reduced the number of flushes she has.

Hi ladies,

thanks so much for all your help and advice. Starting them on Thurs and am quite nervous about it to be honest! I’m glad that I do have another ‘weapon’ though to help me, even if it does bring with it hot flushes!!!

Take care,


I take mine at or around 6 o’clock each night, after my tea.

Linda x