Hi all,
I have a diagnosis from scans, but no prognosis yet. It’s very likely to be lung mets. Primary diagnosis in Oct 2006. Mastectomy, Chemo, Rads. Reconstruction in 2012.
I am so out of the loop with treatments, and know very little about secondaries. Can anyone give me an idea how my treatment is likely to progress? I feel fairly well, mainly fatique. Tumour in middle of lung, lower part. Poss another small area too. I have read surgery is less likely with mets, particularly if in more than one area.
I had FEC chemo last time. It was the worst part of the treatment. Am I likely to have the same chemo again? What about rads? Doesn’t that cause hardening? If so, I am imagining thats not good for soft lung tissue.
I have had a PET scan 2 days ago. My nurse specialist thinks they will bring my appointment forward as this happened quicker than expected due to a cancellation.
Names of some common chemos would help so I can read up and be semi prepared when I see consultant.
Hi imac55 sorry to hear your news but when mine returned in 2011 it was in my pleral lining of lungs, liver and bones, I was very breathless and in quite a bit of pain this was all due to fluid in lungs, do you have fluid? I had my lungs drained and started on capecitabane which was very successful for me I was on it about 2 years before any progression, plus my lungs have stayed almost completely clear since then! So might be a good one to start off with. Hope this helps just read through all the treatments on here there are loads so I’m sure you ll find one that works for you, good luck xxxx
Hi imac55
I’ve attached a link to some information about treatments for secondary BC which I thought might be helpful. There’s also details of a resource pack which you can download or send for.
Very best wishes
BCC Moderator
Hi imac55,
I was diagnosed with secondaries in the lungs from the start in Sept 2010. I was treated with letrozole for 4 years which got me to NED after about 2.5 years! I had a really good run with the letrozole, things have gone downhill since Sept 2014 though!!
Good luck
Glo xxx