Mother in law with breast

i was in the same situation as your mother in law last year, my sons wedding was already booked, and it so gave me the strength to fight, my attitude was , im going to my sons wedding, with or without boobs and without cancer…the wedding will be this sat 23rd july ,so with one full and 1 disected boob and the results of my first mammo post cancer NAD… whoop whoop i will be there my aim complete

hi angiem, gosh thats brilliant. My sons wedding will be next june, a year after the dx. had not evan thought of it. mmm think i will have the scan aftr the wedding. i cannot keep it a secret its not in me. and dont want the reminder to put a cloud on my families day. Anyway its going to be clear isnt it

old n lumpy …yeh think possitive, have you got your wedding clothes sorted ? ive had mine 3 months haha saw it in all its glory and thought why not , so its hanging in tissue as we speak.having had the bust and straps altered last week. im so excited i dont know very much about any the forthcoming nuptuals , my son and future daughter inlaw wanted the whole day to be a surprise for me , all i know is the time to be at the church the time and place of evening venue .sooooooooooooooooo excited x

Jiljil, what a lovely dil u are. Ur mil is so lucky to have u in the family i’m sure u’ll be a great support to her. Fingers crossed it turns out ok for her.x
angiem, im so happy to hear u have ur son’s wedding to look forward to, i hope u have a fabulous time,how lovely x

hi angiem, no its next year, who knows what size i will be after a year on tomaxifan.

(jill sorry this has hijacked your thread a bit)

Haha no probs! We booked on Saturday with MIL there, and she’s sooo excited! It’s abroad so she has a week long holiday to look forward to as well as the actual wedding.

Fingers crossed for Thursday now xx

Well, results on the lymph nodes seems to be ok, but they’re testing more to be sure - is that normal practice? Lumpectomy tomorrow. xx

Hi angiem How was the wedding? It was my son’s wedding on the same day as your son! We had a fantastic day . I couldn’t believe how perfect it was …the sun even came out and stayed out. I have a re-excision on Wed 27th followed by radiotherapy when healed. What a year!

Well she’s had some great news - she’s had the lump removed and the main lymph node removed…and it hadn’t spread to the lymph nodes when tested.

Still some radiotherapy to zap some bad cells that were left, but hopefully all is ok! So happy!

Thank you all for your support, I’ve still been reading lots of posts, and now that I’ve had a (very) little bit of experience, I will continue to visit and try to support others the way they’ve supported me.


thats great news!! I am in the middle of radiotherapy and apart from the time it takes it is not at all unpleasant.

Make sure she knows how many hours it is going to take out of her day and ask her what she is going to stop doing each day to compensate. some people, especially those who work or have young families try to fit it all in, but if you can just relax and make rooom for it you are less likely to get tired.

thats great news!! I am in the middle of radiotherapy and apart from the time it takes it is not at all unpleasant.

Make sure she knows how many hours it is going to take out of her day and ask her what she is going to stop doing each day to compensate. some people, especially those who work or have young families try to fit it all in, but if you can just relax and make rooom for it you are less likely to get tired.