Motivation Dip and Tiredness

Motivation Dip and Tiredness

Motivation Dip and Tiredness Hi Everyone, not logged on for a while - need to get my feelings out today - had to attend friend’s funeral last week - age 44 - had bc 5 yrs ago then had recurrence and brain mets - only lasted 3 weeks from us finding out about it - now back to work monday morning and I feel completely and utterly washed out - feels like I’ve run a marathon - I’m having a massive dip in motivation at work again - now just 12 months post chemo and have only 1 more herceptin infusion left thank god - wot a long road its been -

I really could av done with a couple of days off at home just to rest but that seems so feeble - how can I ring in sick and just say I’m tired!!! doesn’t everyone feel this way on a monday -

I’ve been very busy at work since Christmas and now things have quietened down I feel really washed out. Plus we have the builders coming in next week and I fear if I don’t get some rest before then I’m not sure I’ll cope.

Oh god what a moaner I am this morning - this dreaded bc is going to rule my life for ever more - sorry to burden you all but your thoughts would be welcome to brighten up my day.

Clemy X

Hi Clemy,
You’re not a moaner! I finished chemo a year ago too and for the last few weeks, have just had no energy. I think this time of year is hard as it’s still quite short days and so the lack of sunlight can have an impact. It sounds like you’ve been really busy for the last few weeks and if you can, you need try and take some time out for yourself and not feel guilty about doing this. I didn’t do much this weekend but feel a lot better for it. As you say, it’s Monday morning and that can be hard anyway.

Try and have some rest and don’t beat yourself up about this - you’ll know when you need to rest so try and delegate more if you can, I’m the worst at this but hopefully it will help you.

All the best,

Dip Hi

I also finished treatment 12 months to-day What a long road it has been.
I think what we are feeling is normal (well I hope so) Been back to work since Oct but still not on full hours but things do seem to be getting better so hang on in there!!!

Plenty of rest and pamper time I find works. (Just off to the Gym now whick I thought I would never be able to do again.)

Janet xx

Tireness and lack of motivation Hi there Clemy

I am 39 and finished my chemo in July last year. I am currently on Herceptin. Like you I have been feeling so tired of late (past couple of months). Every opportunity I have I sleep (have to be very careful at work)! I just feel totally washed out.

The doctor told me that this was a combination of the radiotherapy (I finished in September) and the Herceptin. He also said I went back to work too quickly but when needs be…

You’re not a moaner - it’s normal to feel like this. Horrible I know but hopefully the future is brighter.

Take care - hope you feeling better very soon.


thanks Hi all out there

Thanks for all your comments - it really does help to know that I’m not alone and going bonkers!!! -
Think I’m gonna take couple of days of work and sleep!!!

Thanks again

Clemy X