mousy - how did it go

mousy - how did it go

mousy - how did it go Hi
Hope you fared better than me. I waited nearly 4 hours to see chief onc , only for him to disappear off when it was my turn to see him!! Burst into tears!!! Then the fire alarm went off in the middle of my consultation and it was chaos!!
Hope you’d got home by that point and that you feel OK.
Keep in touch.

Oh God, no… I was there til 5pm…

I got evacuated refrigeration machine and all… They were trying to find somewhere to sit me and plug me back in when we were able to go back in.

I was looking out for you but was in the treatment room from about 10am. The drugs I’m on take ages and ages to do - 4 hours for 1 and an hour for the other, plus premed time etc. Before I started all that I had to quickly see a doc (unscheduled) due to a red blotch on the unaffected boob to make sure it wasn’t going to turn into an AB job before we’d even started.

And they had to slow down the gemcitabine as it felt like my veins were trying to explode. It was fine after they slowed it though, so only a couple of minutes of pain. I’ve got three more very long sessions like this, then the second regimes will be very much quicker…

Were you still there at 5pm? I did see one lady in the hall outside Hamwic talking to someone and wasn’t sure and didn’t like to interrupt. Thought you’d be long gone by then anyway.

Did you eventually get back to your review and if so how was it?


PS Did over 6 hrs with the hat.

Oh, S’OK… Have just seen your post on Gobby Gang…

Hope you get to see Royal Marsden soon.


Just tried posting and then got distracted and managed to lost it!!
Think I know who you are as there were only 2 of you with cold caps during the fire alarm. As I had just finished my consultation, I tok the opportunity to go outside for lunch. It was total chaos and I think they need to do a full risk assessment of fire alarms and evacuation - it was such a mess!!! I also left just after 5 - I was in the second chair away from the toilet!! Great idea - not - of where to put a toilet and one that has got the door going inwards so you can’t get in it with a dripstand!!!
Hope you feel OK and just get in touch.
I also use the bcpals site so if I’ve not posted here I usually post there and you can send private mesages via the web so you don’t reveal your email address. You can ask the admin to contact me if you want to do it away from the public eye.
Must go -schol run etc
Thinking of you

You probably did spot me then. I had a yellow shirt. The other lady seemed to be a “regular”.


Feeling a bit like I’ve got jet lag at the mo - you know, not quite nauseous but not quite right either and laying down doesn’t seem to help much.

But not feeling too bad at all really.


Glad you don’t feel too bad and hope you start to feel better. The first chemo is always scary as you never know how you will react.
I’ve developed ‘chemo mouth’ on day 2 which is a bit annoying as my cups of tea don’t taste right!!! At least it’s improved my breathing so pleased about that.
Have a good weekend and hope you are being well looked after.

MIL went home today. I think I’ve been feeling a bit more tired today but that was probably due to waking up at 5:20 with a busting bladder and not getting much/good quality sleep after that.

An early night for me tonight I think as I’m home alone with a 2yo tomorrow… (childminder is off on a 4 day first aid course…)

Then there’s the elder one to pick up at 3pm… should be a right laugh (not)
