Mouth Ulcers/ Aloe vera toothpaste


I have suffered from sore mouth and mouth ulcers since starting my FEC chemo, I am halfway through have completed 3 of 6. I have tried all the tricks such as sucking ice during chemo sessions, but unfortunately still suffer from sore mouth and ulcers.
A friend who is undergoing the same regime as I am suggested using aloe vera toothpaste, as she had started suffering from mouth ulcers following first chemo dose, but they had disappeared when she started using aloe vera toothpaste.
I tried it last week and almost immediately the mouth ulcers cleared up. This could be coincidence, or could be the toothpaste!!!
Wanted to share this with you in case it helps any other mouth ulcer sufferers out there!!!

Kim x

Where do you buy Aloe Vera toothpaste? Sounds good to me

Hi Kim

I was given a mouthwash called Corsodyl from the hospital pharmacy which helped with the sore mouth, but the soreness actually disappeared after the 3rd FEC and I only use it occasionally now.

Good aloe vera products online,

Now I have the yukky Taxotere mouth, not sure what to do about that!

Cecelia. x

Hi Topper

I got mine in Holland and Barrett, but I guess any healthcare store!

Kim x

Thanks Kim I will look out for it.
Cecelia The Corsodyl burnt the inside of my mouth so could only use a very dilute solution. Diflam is a bit more gentle prescribed to me by the hospital pharmacy

I have found that using childrens mouth wash helps as it has no alcohol and tastes of bubblegum which is quite nice, also have been using punch and judy toothpaste which again is very mild and has a nice strawberry taste, not sure if this will help anyone but any thing is worth a try!
Good luck to all

I bought a colgate bratz toothbrush - really soft and gentle and leaves my mouth feeling clean - even the ulcers don’t hurt (i now have two mouth washes for those!)

I have been using an aloe vera toothpaste since my first FEC it’s called aloedent and is available at Holland and Barrett. Also i found corsydol to harsh so went back to Dentyl so far have not had any problems at all, however start on TAX next thursday so wait and see if that makes a difference.
best wishes to all

sally x


You are all right, the Cordosyl is way to harsh for my Tax mouth, which is currently very dry and full of ulcers. I’ll try some of the other suggestions.

Raspberry jelly and blueberry juice definitely relieves it, if only temporarily and they are delicious!

Cecelia. x

Hi Sally

Yes it is aloedent from Holland and Barrett, that I am using. It really seems to help.

Kim x

Sorry to ‘gatecrash’ your discussions girls, but can I ask a silly question? Why do you suggest eating an ice cream during the chemo session? I know it sounds stupid but I have visions of the toxins being injected and mouth ulcers appearing within moments!! Just wanted to ask as I’m due for chemo soon.

Thanks, A xx

Hi Andrea

I’m not sure, I haven’t eaten ice cream during it either, but am interested to know how it helps?

Gals? Or is it just a nice excuse to have a lovely ice cream?

Cecelia. x

Hi A and Cecelia

Eating ice cream and sucking ice when the appropriate drug is being given acts on the same principle as using the cold cap! Which I think is less absorption of drug because of the chilled tissues!!! In the area cooled which MAY help prevent mouth ulcers???
Or maybe a good excuse for a lovely ice cream as you have suggested Cecelia.

Kim x

Aaaaahhh, seems to make sense!! Thanks Kim,
A xx

Cecilia - if the inside of your mouth is coated with white then you may have oral thrush. I got this with each Taxotere. My GP gave me Fungilin pastilles which cleared it up very quickly.
For the mouth ulcers one of the ulcer gels was soothing.

Good luck everyone
Anthi x


I sucked on a calipo ice lolly everytime I had my CMF. The staff at the unit thought it was an awesome idea and tell all their patients about it now. Many units actually provide you with ice cubes and lollies! I never had even a sniff of a mouth ulcer and also it totally prevents that yukky feeling and smell you can get up your nose from one of the drugs.

Its awesome, give it a go!


Thanks Kelly and Anthi

The mouth is still full of ulcers so I’ll try to get those pastilles Anthi, and defintiely the ice next time Kelly.

Great tips, thanks

Cecelia. x

I get given a choice of ice lollies for the reasons you have said but It seems to take your mind off it and while away the time a little, and I can make the lolly last through one and a half red syringes.


Ice lollies at the ready for chemo number 4 tomorrow.

Kim x