Mouth Ulcers Any Advice Please?

Bless you my love. Hope you have another good night and those ulcers shrink.



Daktarin gel is good too

A friend said she always took ice water with her to the chemo treatment and sipped it throughout the treatment. She says it helped prevent mouth ulcers.

I have my first treatment tomorrow, so will see if they let me do that.

Hi Jillian and all

Jillian - how are the ulcers now? Hope they are better, whatever you did?

ScottishHoosier - in my experience the chemo nurses let you do want you want, unless they reckon it is dangerous. Iced water has to be ok surely?

Good luck tomorrow. Sure you will be fine.




I noticed you can get Corsodyl from Morrisons. It’s about £3ish so probably cheaper than making a special trip to hospital for it. hth someone

good luck everyone with getting rid of the mouth ulcers. I haven’t had them badly but one was in the way when I ate and I kept accidently biting it - ouch!


Hi Everyone,
Thank you for the tips, I have them all at the ready for next time, just in case!! (but hope I wont need them).

Dilys. I am much better now thanks for asking, the ulcers have settled down and I have been able to eat the last couple of days (Too much actually!). Still got the yucky taste but I can cope with that. Start my first CMF on Monday, so hope its a little easier on the mouth than EPI for me. Thanks again for your help, and hope you are OK.
Love Jillxx.


I have just had second Taxotere and apart from my normal oraldene, I have now got Difflam and another one that is yellow with a marzipan taste, think begins with Ty … can’t remember name, will have to check later on.

Hopefully you will find something that works, will let you know how mine go.

Take care

Glad it is better for you Jillian.

Dilys, I asked. They said it is OK with my treatment, but it can cause chest spasm with certain chemo drugs. They even brought me a big jug as I progressed through my sports bottle.

They also gave me a bottle of mouthwash called Chlorhexidine Gluconate. Makes my mouth feel clean, but it is an acquired taste. Not bad, just a bit mediciny.

our hospital supplies ice lollies for epi patients, and I had one on each of my visits, I also ate them for a few days afterwards, was told to avoid iced water as it just delays the hair loss, also fresh pineapple - it works honest. If all else fails, ADCORTYL from the chemist is good

I can recommend Adcortyl as well, it sticks to the ulcers and the pain seems to disappear instantly. If the ulcer is in an awkward position you can apply it with a cotton bud.

ScottishHoosier…are you from Indiana?

Hallo Jillian, ScottishHoosier and all

Jillian - glad your ulcers are feeling better and good luck for Monday. And ScottishHoosier, glad you got your iced water. If there is one thing I have learned with all this it is that you need to go with what works for you. I have the yukky taste still and I am now two weeks and thre days away from my last dose. Just waiting for that to go and hopefully hair and eyelashes to start coming back. Now that would be nice!

Love to all and enjoy the weekend


Hi Jillian,

Haven’t had a chance to read all the messages you received back about mouth ulcers but you could try Adortyl in Orabase. It doesn’t sting at all and sticks to the ulcer not your finger! You may have to check with the Nurses though as I’m a bit new to this (Start my FEC on Monday 5th - eeek!) not sure if this will be suitable as I think it is steriod-based altho’ you can buy it over the counter at Boots so it can’t be that bad. We have used this in our house since my father in law had cancer about 7 years ago - he used it but was only having radiotherapy not chemo.

Hope this helps!


Hi Karen,
That sounds good, I am due for my next chemo on Monday so will ask the nurses at the unit. Thanks for replying.

Hi Jillian

Just to say good luck for Monday. And guess who has an ulcer? Thiought I was rid of them. Back to the Bonjela for me.

Have a good Sunday


Hi Dilys, Thank you so much for wishing me luck, really appreciated. I went to the doctor over something else and mentioned the ulcers to her, she said try a disolvable asprin as a mouth rinse, and it did help so maybe worth a try for you, hope it clears soon for you, they are so painful!
Be in touch

Hi Jill

Thanks for the tip - we have loads of soluble aspirin so I’ll give it a go. Someone else mentioned bicarb of soda too.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow.



Hello LeeUK.

Yes, I am from Indiana. Down in the south near Louisville, KY. I came to Scotland by marriage, via Hamburg, Germany! I sure have travelled! Hubby’s in the oil industry, so we’ll be here near Aberdeen for a good, long time. Can’t complain except about the weather. Oh, and I’ve heard time and time again the breast cancer team up here are about the best in the UK, and my consultant is meant to be very, very, very good.

Hey ScottishHoosier… Hey there neighbor… I am from Tn. Gr8 news on getting good care there in Aberdeen. I am in South England and am pleased with my oncologist too. I am doing my chemo prior to surgery.

Take care,

I’m having chemo prior to surgery, too. Here’s hoping our tumors shrink away. When I remember, I do a *die, die, die* chant to the little buggers before I go to bed.